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(Allomantic steel and iron were backwards)
=== Harmonium ===
After contact with the [[Southern Scadrian]]s a new metal is revealed. Called "[[Ettmetal]]" in their native tongue, the Southern Peoples use it to power their technology. Harmonium burns "with a pure whiteness"{{book ref|mb6|22}} when used in Southern Scadrian machinery, and explodes when it is exposed to water (similar to the [[Wikipedia: Alkali metal|alkali metals]]) making it dangerous if not impossible to ingest for allomantic purposes. Unlike alkali metal reactions, this reaction does not yield a "Harmonium oxide," but it will yield "Something else relevant to the Cosmere." Harmonium's atomic structure is that of a single element, rather than a compound or alloy. {{url ref|url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o_-OadmbojDGZqFWls2meynCw4qLBWP-syEeSSgSRQ0/edit|text=So harmonium, we have a working theory that the reason it's so volatile...|site=Google Docs|date=Feb 19, 2017}}
=== Trellium ===
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