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{{move|Physical Realm}}
The Selish System orbits a yellow star named Mashe. It has two gas giants, named Ky and Ralen, and a dwarf planet.
=== Donne ===
Donne is the closest planet to the sun. While it is in a habitable region, it is barren and suffers from terrible dust storms.{{book ref|au}}
=== Sel ===
:''Main article:'' [[Sel]]
An Earth-like Shardworld, Sel was inhabited by humans and artificially created beings called [[Seon]]s and [[Skaze]]. The planet was the location of [[Elantris]]. Sel was dominated by the [[Fjordell Empire]], with [[Arelon]] and [[Teod]] being the only remaining free nations. All these nations (except Teod which is located on a continent to the north) were situated on the continent of Opelon (named Sycla by the Fjordell Empire).
==== Moons ====
Sel has a single moon named Oem.
The Scadrian System has a yellow sun. It has two gas giants, named Aagal Nod and Aagal Uch, and two dwarf planets.{{book ref|au}}
=== Scadrial ===
:''Main article:'' [[Scadrial]]
The Taldain System is a binary system. The two stars in it are a weak white dwarf star surrounded by a particulate ring and a blue-white supergiant.{{book ref|au}}
=== Taldain ===
:''Main article:'' [[Taldain]]
The Threnodite System has a single gas giant named Purity. The habitable zone has three planets named Monody, Elegy, and Threnody. Elegy has a single moon named Coronach.{{book ref|au}}
=== Threnody ===
:''Main article:'' [[Threnody]]
The Drominad System has four planets in the habitable zone, three of which have developed human societies. There are three gas giants.{{book ref|au}}
=== First of the Sun ===
:''Main article:'' [[First of the Sun]]
Greater Roshar is a solar system containing several planets some have life, sentient and not, others are barren. There are three planets in the habitable region and ten gas giants. The gas giants are named after Vorin numerals.{{book ref|au}}
=== Ashyn ===
:''Main article:'' [[Ashyn]]
Ashyn is mostly barren, with a few fertile patches.{{17s ref|post|62280}} It currently has no [[shard]].{{qa ref|1088|37|This is a world that does not currently have a shard.|date=Mar 22nd, 2014}}{{qa ref|1116|9|Did Ashyn ever have a shard?|date=Mar 12th, 2015}}
=== Roshar ===
:''Main article:'' [[Roshar]]
Roshar has a gravity of 0.7, a year 500 days long, with each year being 1.1 earth years. The planet consists of one large super continent.
==== Moons ====
Roshar has three moons. The first moon is Salas. It is violet, and is the smallest moon. The middle moon is Nomon, which is a bright, pale blue. And the final moon is Mishim, which is small and green.
=== Braize ===
:''Main article:'' [[Braize]]
== Other Planets ==
=== Yolen ===
:''Main article:'' [[Yolen]]
Yolen is home to three sentient races{{qa ref|1052|98|Were the original sixteen shardholders all human?|date=2014-3-21}} and was the origin of all humans in the cosmere.{{qa ref|977|198|Where did humanity originate?|date=2012-09}} The original sixteen shardholders were from Yolen.{{qa ref|1052|106|Were all the original sixteen Shardholders from Yolen?|date=2014-03-21}}
=== Vax ===
:''Main article:'' [[Vax]]
Nothing is known of Vax, its peoples, or any [[Shard]]s that may or may not be located there. All that is certain is that it has a manifestation of [[Investiture]].
=== Nalthis ===
:''Main article:'' [[Nalthis]]
On Nalthis, [[T'Telir]] is the capital city of [[Hallandren]] and its bordering mountain state of [[Idris]]. The jungles are situated in a large valley surrounded by mountains and a sea.
==== Moons ====
A single moon orbits the planet.
The [[Tear]] is a particularly bright star in the Rosharan sky. It's name comes from the single tear shed by [[Reya]] in Rosharan Mythology.{{book ref|wor|31 }}
== Notes ==
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