Diferencia entre revisiones de «Artes metálicas»

134 bytes añadidos ,  hace 12 años
m ((Changed "pure" to "basic", as pure suggests a non-alloy element, and three of these eight are alloysheaddesk.))
}}{{MetalsTable|title=Higher Metals|1=
{{metal|Cadmium | Stretches/slows time | Stores breath}}
{{metal|Bendalloy | Compresses/hastens time | Sores energy}}
{{metal|Gold | Shows the burner's past | Stores health }}
{{metal|Electrum | Shows the burner's future | Sores determination}}
{{metal|Chromium | Removes another's metals | Stores fortune}}
{{metal|Nicrosil | Flares another's metals | Stores investiture}}
{{metal|Aluminum | Removes one's metals | 4Stores =identity | Steals Enhancement Allomancy }}
{{metal|Duralumin | Flares one's metals | Stores connection}}
===The God Metals===
