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(Expand powers, general edits)
The '''Nahel bond''' is a magical connection between a [[Spren]] and a [[Roshar]]an human. Forming a Nahel bond grants the human participant the power of [[Surgebinding]]. Historically, the Nahel bond is associated with the [[Knights Radiant]].
{{quote|[[Alakavish]] was a [[Surgebinder]] and yet the Nahel bond gave him no more wisdom than a regular man|[[Nohadon]] on the bond{{book ref|sa1|60}}|}}
{{quote|The responsibility of what we've been given — whether it be the crown or the Nahel bond — needs to make ''us'' better|[[Nohadon]] on the bond{{book ref|sa1|60}}|}}
The Nahel bond forms between a [[Spren]] and a Human. This bond allows them to draw in [[Stormlight]] and grants access to 2 [[Surge]]s of power. The type of spren drawn to a human determines the type of [[Surgebinder]] they will become. There are ten known types of [[Surgebinder]]s. Each type of [[Surgebinder]]s is believed to be tied to a different [[Spren]], For example, bonding an [[honorspren]] would give you the powers of a [[Windrunner]], while bonding a [[Cryptic]] would give you the powers of a [[Lightweaver]]. See [[Surgebinding]] and [[Knights Radiant]] for more information.
Each Ideal said by the Radiant progresses the bond. Only the first Ideal is said by all Radiants, as the later ideals are Order specific. [[Lightweaver]]s say Truths rather than Ideals. Without saying the words, the Radiant's ability to use Stormlight will not increase. If the Radiant stops acting according to their oaths, they will weaken or completely destroy the bond, which can result in killing the Spren.
== Powers granted Byby the Bond ==
The Nahel Bond grants the human the ability to [[Surgebind]]. Surgebinding allows one to use Stormlight, which grants superhuman abilities to the user, such as increased strength, agility, and healing abilities. It also perfects innate skills of the user; for example, an expert spearman will become a spearman without equal, but will not become a master swordsman. In addition, Stormlight fuels the primary magic of Surgebinding: the usage of [[Surge]]s.
The Nahel Bond grants access to two different [[Surge]]s, out of ten possible Surges. Each Order of the Knights Radiant shares each of their Surges with one other Order. In addition to the Surges, the Bond creates a mental connection to the members of the Bond. This mental connection provides telepathy and recognition between the Bond members. Other enhancements are granted to some holders of the Bond. For example, [[Lightweaver]]s are known for their mnemonic abilities and [[Skybreaker]]s can divide the innocent from the guilty.
Also when the Nahel bond is at a sufficient strength the spren one is bonded to can manifest as a shardblade which can shapeshift to any form the user wants, for example [[Kaladin]] has had [[Syl]] take the form of a spear. A shardblade created by a Nahel bond while the spren is alive can be summoned instantly without the ten requisite heartbeats.
TheEach NahelSurgebinder Bondis grantsgranted access to two different [[Surge]]sSurges, out of ten possible Surges. Each Order of the Knights Radiant shares each of their Surges with one other Order. In addition to the Surges, the Bond creates a mental connection to the members of the Bond. This mental connection provides telepathy and recognition between the Bond members. OtherSome enhancementsOrders areof grantedthe toKnights someRadiants holdershave ofadditional, theunique Bondabilities. For example, [[Lightweaver]]s are known for their mnemonic abilities (which manifests differently in each person) and [[Skybreaker]]s can divide the innocent from the guilty.
Additionally, the bond allows the taking in of Stormlight, which grants increased strength and agility along with incredible healing abilities, such as regrowing an arm. Other people who are close to the [[Surgebinder]], known as Squires, gain this ability as well, although they don't get access to any Surges.
When the Nahel bond is at a sufficient strength, the bonded spren can instantly manifest itself as a Shardblade in any number of forms. For example, when [[Kaladin]] and [[Syl]] are in battle, Syl is able to manifest herself as a sword, a spear, and a shield. A human using a Shardblade without a Nahel Bond—in essence, a dead spren—must wait ten heartbeats before the summoning will take place, and are limited to using the Shardblade in the form of a large sword.
The Nahel Bond grants the ability for spren to manifest themselves into the [[Physical Realm]]. Additionally, the spren gains greater self-awareness, intelligence, and access to their memories the stronger their bond is with their human.
== Severing the Bond ==
| [[Lift]] || [[Edgedancers]] || ''unknown'' || [[Wyndle]]
== Quotes ==
{{quote|[[Alakavish]] was a [[Surgebinder]] and yet the Nahel bond gave him no more wisdom than a regular man|[[Nohadon]] on the bond{{book ref|sa1|60}}|}}
{{quote|The responsibility of what we've been given — whether it be the crown or the Nahel bond — needs to make ''us'' better|[[Nohadon]] on the bond{{book ref|sa1|60}}|}}
== Notes ==
