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De La Coppermind
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(Created page with "* Atium is pseudo-electrum, the physical component of Ruin. It appears identical to the metal electrum, but is cloaked in Ruin's Investiture. * Lerasium is pseudo-duralumin, t...")
(Added alloys description)
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Here is a summary of the main points in [http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/21700-skaas-revised-god-metal-theory/ my theory] about atium, lerasium, and harmonium.
* Atium is pseudo-electrum, the physical component of Ruin. It appears identical to the metal electrum, but is cloaked in Ruin's Investiture.

* Lerasium is pseudo-duralumin, the physical component of Preservation. It appears identical to the metal duralumin, but is cloaked in Preservation's Investiture.
* Atium is the condensed physical aspect of Ruin. Its molecular structure appears identical to that of electrum.
* Lerasium is the condensed physical aspect of Preservation. Its molecular structure appears identical to that of duralumin.
* Harmonium is the gold-aluminum intermetallic AuAl2.
* Harmonium is the gold-aluminum intermetallic AuAl2.

==God Metal Alloys==

===Atium alloys===

Atium-Electrum (Others version of Electrum): Same Allomantic property as atium, a physical fragment of Ruin. Grants insight into the future actions of others and their consequences.

Atium-Gold (Others version of Gold): Also called Malatium. Grants insight into the past of others.

Atium-Bendalloy (Self version of Bendalloy): Makes the user's body experience time faster. Everything else around the user will appear to move slower unless he touches it. This means his clothes, his tools, and the enemy he's grappling with experience time the same way he does until he lets go of them. This ability makes the user more deadly than a mere atium user, because a atium-bendalloy user's enemy is effectively stationary until hit, and is basically a sitting duck. An atium user will still see an atium-bendalloy user's atium shadow in advance, but any dodge or counter-attack he attempts will likely be too slow.

Atium-Cadmium (Opposite of Atium-Bendalloy): Makes the user's body (and everything in physical contact with it) experience time slower. An even lamer version of Cadmium Allomancy that has no protective time bubble. Will not buy again.

Atium-Duralumin (Self/Temporal version of Duralumin): Reverts any Investiture-related entropy that affected the user. A Feruchemist+Mistborn can use this to regain all the stored attributes from his metalminds at once. A person who somehow survived being a Hemalurgic sacrifice and who burns atium-duralumin will regain the attributes stolen from him. An Awakener+Mistborn can theoretically use this to regain all Breaths from Type III BioChromatic entities he created.

Atium-Aluminum (Self/Temporal version of Aluminum): Destroys all entropy-aligned Investiture from inside the user in a flash. Any Hemalurgic spike is rendered inert. If the user is a Feruchemist, the ability to store Feruchemical attributes vanish. And since Scadrian humans are partly of Ruin, who embodies entropy, part of the user's soul is suppressed. The user loses sentience and becomes something less than human: a Mistwraith.

Atium-Nicrosil (Others version of Nicrosil): Reverts any Investiture-related entropy from everyone within a certain radius from the user.

Atium-Chromium (Others version of Chromium): Expels all traces of entropy-aligned Investiture within a certain radius from the user. See Atium-Aluminum for what this entails.

Atium-Pewter (Self/Temporal version of Pewter): Reverts physical changes to the body, starting from the most recent change. The mind is unaffected. This can be used to heal wounds.

Atium-Tin (Self/Temporal version of Tin): Accelerates metabolic processes.

Atium-Steel (Others/Temporal version of Steel): Accelerates time for a metallic target. Anything that touches the target becomes affected by the time acceleration. When used on Hemalurgic spikes, this accelerates Hemalurgic decay. Atium-steel cannot target objects inside a person without a duralumin push, nor does it normally affect objects stuck to the ground. All possible targets become brighter in the user's vision.

Atium-Iron (Others/Temporal version of Iron): This is the opposite of Atium-Steel. It makes Hemalurgic charges last longer even outside of a person.

Atium-Bronze (Self version of Bronze): Grants increased memory formation. Anything the user senses is stored directly into long term memory, allowing the user to recall it perfectly at a later time. Great for Archivists.

Atium-Copper (Self version of Copper): Impairs memory formation. The user will be incapable of remembering anything that happens while burning this. Might be useful for people who need to do something unsavory. Counteracts Atium-Zinc.

Atium-Brass (Self version of Brass): Makes the user's presence less noticeable to others. Perfect for espionage, infiltration, escape, general skullduggery, and assassinations.

Atium-Zinc (Opposite of Atium-Brass): Makes the user's presence more noticeable to others. Any emotion the targets may have towards the user (whether positive or negative) is increased.

===Lerasium alloys===

Lerasium-Duralumin (Self version of Duralumin): Same Allomantic property as lerasium, a physical fragment of Preservation. Enhances the user's Innate spiritual connection to Preservation to the point that he becomes Mistborn. If you burn enough lerasium, you eventually Ascend, gaining the power of Preservation.

Lerasium-Aluminum (Self version of Aluminum): Enhances the user's Innate Investiture, making him an Aluminum Allomancer, but not before first clearing the user's Spiritual aspect of anything foreign.

Lerasium-Nicrosil (Others version of Nicrosil): Enhances the Innate Innate of the user, making him a Nicrosil Allomancer, along with anyone in his immediate vicinity. As a side-effect, Lerasium-Nicrosil grants Innate Investiture from Preservation to targets without prior Innate Investiture. Any excess Investiture is lost.

Lerasium-Chromium (Chromium version of Lerasium-Nicrosil): This is similar to Lerasium-Nicrosil except the people involved become Chromium Allomancers and their Spiritual aspects are cleansed beforehand.

Lerasium-Electrum (Others/Enhancement version of Electrum): A shadow of Preservation's holder that only the user can see appears and moves towards the user. Intentionally avoiding the shadow makes it vanish with no effect, but remaining still as the shadow makes contact turns him into an Electrum Allomancer.

Lerasium-Gold (Others/Enhancement version of Gold): Summons a stationary shadow image of Preservation's holder for the user to see while his Innate connection to Preservation is enhanced to make him a Gold Allomancer.

Lerasium-Bendalloy (Self/Enhancement version of Bendalloy): The user and everyone in physical contact with him while burning Lerasium-Bendalloy become Bendalloy Allomancers. The flow of time around them goes slower as the enhancement occurs.

Lerasium-Cadmium (Self/Enhancement version of Cadmium): Similar to Lerasium-Bendalloy, except they become Cadmium Allomancers and time around them goes faster.

Lerasium-Bronze (Self/Enhancement version of Bronze): Upon burning, the user senses a great pulsing inside him as he becomes a Bronze Allomancer.

Lerasium-Copper (Self/Enhancement version of Copper): The user does not feel anything strange, the Allomantic enhancement within him being actively hidden from him. He becomes a Copper Allomancer afterwards.

Lerasium-Brass (Self/Enhancement version of Brass): The user and everyone in physical contact with him suddenly lose all emotion as they are Enhanced to become Brass Allomancers.

Lerasium-Zinc (Zinc version of Lerasium-Brass): Just like Lerasium-Brass, but with Rioted emotions and Zinc Allomancers.

Lerasium-Pewter (Others/Enhancement version of Pewter): The user becomes a Pewter Allomancer. The remaining Investiture transforms into a bead of Allomantic pewter inside the user.

Lerasium-Tin (Others/Enhancement version of Tin): The user becomes a Tin Allomancer. The remaining Investiture transforms into a bead of pure tin inside the user.

Lerasium-Steel (Others/Enhancement version of Steel): The user and everyone near him become Steel Allomancers. There is no other effect.

Lerasium-Iron (Others/Enhancement version of Iron): Same as Lerasium-Steel, except creating Iron Allomancers.

And for my last bit of lerasium alloy speculation...

Lerasium-Atium (Self/Enhancement version of Atium): The user sees a shadow of himself with an atium spike embedded in him. The shadow pulls the spike off and stabs his real self with it in the same exact spot. The vision clears and he is an Atium Allomancer.

Revisión del 11:29 6 ene 2015

Here is a summary of the main points in my theory about atium, lerasium, and harmonium.

  • Atium is the condensed physical aspect of Ruin. Its molecular structure appears identical to that of electrum.
  • Lerasium is the condensed physical aspect of Preservation. Its molecular structure appears identical to that of duralumin.
  • Harmonium is the gold-aluminum intermetallic AuAl2.

God Metal Alloys

Atium alloys

Atium-Electrum (Others version of Electrum): Same Allomantic property as atium, a physical fragment of Ruin. Grants insight into the future actions of others and their consequences.

Atium-Gold (Others version of Gold): Also called Malatium. Grants insight into the past of others.

Atium-Bendalloy (Self version of Bendalloy): Makes the user's body experience time faster. Everything else around the user will appear to move slower unless he touches it. This means his clothes, his tools, and the enemy he's grappling with experience time the same way he does until he lets go of them. This ability makes the user more deadly than a mere atium user, because a atium-bendalloy user's enemy is effectively stationary until hit, and is basically a sitting duck. An atium user will still see an atium-bendalloy user's atium shadow in advance, but any dodge or counter-attack he attempts will likely be too slow.

Atium-Cadmium (Opposite of Atium-Bendalloy): Makes the user's body (and everything in physical contact with it) experience time slower. An even lamer version of Cadmium Allomancy that has no protective time bubble. Will not buy again.

Atium-Duralumin (Self/Temporal version of Duralumin): Reverts any Investiture-related entropy that affected the user. A Feruchemist+Mistborn can use this to regain all the stored attributes from his metalminds at once. A person who somehow survived being a Hemalurgic sacrifice and who burns atium-duralumin will regain the attributes stolen from him. An Awakener+Mistborn can theoretically use this to regain all Breaths from Type III BioChromatic entities he created.

Atium-Aluminum (Self/Temporal version of Aluminum): Destroys all entropy-aligned Investiture from inside the user in a flash. Any Hemalurgic spike is rendered inert. If the user is a Feruchemist, the ability to store Feruchemical attributes vanish. And since Scadrian humans are partly of Ruin, who embodies entropy, part of the user's soul is suppressed. The user loses sentience and becomes something less than human: a Mistwraith.

Atium-Nicrosil (Others version of Nicrosil): Reverts any Investiture-related entropy from everyone within a certain radius from the user.

Atium-Chromium (Others version of Chromium): Expels all traces of entropy-aligned Investiture within a certain radius from the user. See Atium-Aluminum for what this entails.

Atium-Pewter (Self/Temporal version of Pewter): Reverts physical changes to the body, starting from the most recent change. The mind is unaffected. This can be used to heal wounds.

Atium-Tin (Self/Temporal version of Tin): Accelerates metabolic processes.

Atium-Steel (Others/Temporal version of Steel): Accelerates time for a metallic target. Anything that touches the target becomes affected by the time acceleration. When used on Hemalurgic spikes, this accelerates Hemalurgic decay. Atium-steel cannot target objects inside a person without a duralumin push, nor does it normally affect objects stuck to the ground. All possible targets become brighter in the user's vision.

Atium-Iron (Others/Temporal version of Iron): This is the opposite of Atium-Steel. It makes Hemalurgic charges last longer even outside of a person.

Atium-Bronze (Self version of Bronze): Grants increased memory formation. Anything the user senses is stored directly into long term memory, allowing the user to recall it perfectly at a later time. Great for Archivists.

Atium-Copper (Self version of Copper): Impairs memory formation. The user will be incapable of remembering anything that happens while burning this. Might be useful for people who need to do something unsavory. Counteracts Atium-Zinc.

Atium-Brass (Self version of Brass): Makes the user's presence less noticeable to others. Perfect for espionage, infiltration, escape, general skullduggery, and assassinations.

Atium-Zinc (Opposite of Atium-Brass): Makes the user's presence more noticeable to others. Any emotion the targets may have towards the user (whether positive or negative) is increased.

Lerasium alloys

Lerasium-Duralumin (Self version of Duralumin): Same Allomantic property as lerasium, a physical fragment of Preservation. Enhances the user's Innate spiritual connection to Preservation to the point that he becomes Mistborn. If you burn enough lerasium, you eventually Ascend, gaining the power of Preservation.

Lerasium-Aluminum (Self version of Aluminum): Enhances the user's Innate Investiture, making him an Aluminum Allomancer, but not before first clearing the user's Spiritual aspect of anything foreign.

Lerasium-Nicrosil (Others version of Nicrosil): Enhances the Innate Innate of the user, making him a Nicrosil Allomancer, along with anyone in his immediate vicinity. As a side-effect, Lerasium-Nicrosil grants Innate Investiture from Preservation to targets without prior Innate Investiture. Any excess Investiture is lost.

Lerasium-Chromium (Chromium version of Lerasium-Nicrosil): This is similar to Lerasium-Nicrosil except the people involved become Chromium Allomancers and their Spiritual aspects are cleansed beforehand.

Lerasium-Electrum (Others/Enhancement version of Electrum): A shadow of Preservation's holder that only the user can see appears and moves towards the user. Intentionally avoiding the shadow makes it vanish with no effect, but remaining still as the shadow makes contact turns him into an Electrum Allomancer.

Lerasium-Gold (Others/Enhancement version of Gold): Summons a stationary shadow image of Preservation's holder for the user to see while his Innate connection to Preservation is enhanced to make him a Gold Allomancer.

Lerasium-Bendalloy (Self/Enhancement version of Bendalloy): The user and everyone in physical contact with him while burning Lerasium-Bendalloy become Bendalloy Allomancers. The flow of time around them goes slower as the enhancement occurs.

Lerasium-Cadmium (Self/Enhancement version of Cadmium): Similar to Lerasium-Bendalloy, except they become Cadmium Allomancers and time around them goes faster.

Lerasium-Bronze (Self/Enhancement version of Bronze): Upon burning, the user senses a great pulsing inside him as he becomes a Bronze Allomancer.

Lerasium-Copper (Self/Enhancement version of Copper): The user does not feel anything strange, the Allomantic enhancement within him being actively hidden from him. He becomes a Copper Allomancer afterwards.

Lerasium-Brass (Self/Enhancement version of Brass): The user and everyone in physical contact with him suddenly lose all emotion as they are Enhanced to become Brass Allomancers.

Lerasium-Zinc (Zinc version of Lerasium-Brass): Just like Lerasium-Brass, but with Rioted emotions and Zinc Allomancers.

Lerasium-Pewter (Others/Enhancement version of Pewter): The user becomes a Pewter Allomancer. The remaining Investiture transforms into a bead of Allomantic pewter inside the user.

Lerasium-Tin (Others/Enhancement version of Tin): The user becomes a Tin Allomancer. The remaining Investiture transforms into a bead of pure tin inside the user.

Lerasium-Steel (Others/Enhancement version of Steel): The user and everyone near him become Steel Allomancers. There is no other effect.

Lerasium-Iron (Others/Enhancement version of Iron): Same as Lerasium-Steel, except creating Iron Allomancers.

And for my last bit of lerasium alloy speculation...

Lerasium-Atium (Self/Enhancement version of Atium): The user sees a shadow of himself with an atium spike embedded in him. The shadow pulls the spike off and stabs his real self with it in the same exact spot. The vision clears and he is an Atium Allomancer.