Diferencia entre revisiones de «Szeth/Galería»

152 bytes añadidos ,  hace 1 año
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== IlustracionesOfficial oficialesartwork ==
<gallery mode="packed" heights=200px caption="IlustracionesOfficial oficialesartwork">
Szeth.jpg | <center><small>deby [[Ben McSweeney]]</small></center>
Szeth's Chapters.svg | <center><small>deby [[Isaac Stewart]]</small></center> CabeceraSzeth dechapters los capítulos de Szethheader
GA - WoK4 - Szeth by Alex Allen.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Alex Allen}}</small></center> DesenvainandoDrawing suhis [[hoja de HonorHonorblade]], portadacover deof lapart cuarta4 parte de la adaptación de Graphic Audio deof ''[[ElThe caminoWay deof los reyesKings]]'' Graphic Audio adaptation
GA - WoR4 - Kaladin and Szeth by Alex Allen.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Alex Allen}}</small></center> Luchando contraFighting [[Kaladin]], portadacover deof lapart segunda2 parte de la adaptación de Graphic Audio deof ''[[PalabrasWords radiantesof Radiance]]'' Graphic Audio adaptation
WoR US Cover art.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Michael Whelan}}</small></center> EnOn lathe portadaUS decover Estados Unidos deof ''[[PalabrasWords of radiantesRadiance]]''
WoR BG cover art.jpg | <center><small>deby Hristo Chukov</small></center> EnOn lathe portadaBulgarian decover Bulgaria deof ''[[PalabrasWords of radiantesRadiance]]''
WoR HU Part 2 Cover Art.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Péter Kovács}}</small></center> EnOn lathe portadaHungarian decover Hungría defor ''[[PalabrasWords of radiantesRadiance]]''
Call to Adventure cover.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Randy Vargas}}</small></center> EnOn lathe portadacover deof ''[[Call to Adventure: The Stormlight Archive]]''
Assassin in White by Krystian Biskup.jpg | <center><small>deby Krystian Biskup</small></center> ''Assassin In White'' (Asesino de Blanco), defrom ''[[Call to Adventure: The Stormlight Archive]]''
Reluctant Villain by Art Dem.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Artem Demura}}</small></center> ''Reluctant Villain'', defrom ''[[Call to Adventure: The Stormlight Archive]]''
Skybreaker by Petar Penev.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Petar Penev}}</small></center> ''Skybreaker'', defrom ''[[Call to Adventure: The Stormlight Archive]]''
Weep As You Kill by Ari Ibarra.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Ari Ibarra}}</small></center> ''Weep As You Kill'', defrom ''[[Call to Adventure: The Stormlight Archive]]''
Szeth - XX. Judgement .jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|taratjah}}</small></center> EnOn lathe cartaTarot del Tarotcard '''El JuicioJudgement'''
== RetratosPortraits ==
<gallery mode="packed" heights=200px caption="RetratosPortraits">
Szeth and Nightblood.png | <center><small>deby {{a|LittleGreyDragon}}</small></center> ConWith [[Sangre NocturnaNightblood]]
Szeth Small.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Sheep}}</small></center> InfundidoInfused enwith [[luz tormentosaStormlight]]
Szeth and Nightblood 2.png | <center><small>deby {{a|ShiroXIX}}</small></center> Szeth yand Sangre NocturnaNightblood
Szeth Nale.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Botanicaxu}}</small></center> ConWith [[Nale]] yand [[Sangre NocturnaNightblood]]
The Assassin in White by Ari Ibarra.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Ari Ibarra}}</small></center>Desenvainando aDrawing [[Sangre NocturnaNightblood]]
Szeth and Nightblood by Amanda Diaz.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Amanda "rantology" Diaz}}</small></center>ConWith [[Sangre NocturnaNightblood]]
Szeth Portrait by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center>
Szeth by Gama.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Gama}}</small></center>
Szeth by Jessi Ochse.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Jessi Ochse}}</small></center>
Szeth by Dwayne Wingert.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Dwayne Wingert}}</small></center>
Szeth by Marianne Eie.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Marianne Eie}}</small></center>
Szeth by elisgardor.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Elisgardor}}</small></center>
Assassin in White by Ricky Ho.jpeg | <center><small>by {{a|Ricky Ho}}</small></center>
Szeth by Javier Corpas.png | <center><small>by {{a|Javier Corpas}}</small></center>
== EscenasScenes ==
<gallery mode="packed" heights=200px caption="EscenasScenes">
Assassin in White by Katie Payne.jpg| <small><center>deby {{a|Katie Payne}}</center></small>LuchandoFighting contrathe losguards guardiasin en elthe [[PalacioKholinar de KholinarPalace]]
Szeth assassin.jpeg | <center><small>deby {{a|Sheep}}</small></center> Enfrentándose aConfronting [[Gavilar Kholin]]
Szeth_the_assassin.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Sheep}}</small></center> En el palacio deIn [[Gavilar]]'s palace
Assassination of Gavilar.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Thorkild Skov}}</small></center> ElThe asesinatoassassination deof [[Gavilar]]
Szeth and Gavilar by ThomasW.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|ThomasW}}</small></center> CaraFacing a caraoff conwith [[Gavilar]]
Szeth Action.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Sheep}}</small></center> EnIn plenoflight vuelo
Szeth by Kelley Harris.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Kelley Harris}}</small></center> ElThe AsesinoAssassin dein BlancoWhite
Szeth by Morby.jpg | <small><center>deby {{a|Morby}}</center></small> LuchandoFighting comoas Elthe AsesinoAssassin dein BlancoWhite
Szeth by Connor Chamberlain.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Connor Chamberlain}}</small></center> CometiendoCommitting unoone deof sushis asesinatosassassinations
Facing off with the Assassin in White.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Jules Aguimatang}}</small></center>IntentoAttempted deassassination asesinato deof [[Dalinar]]
Teamfight by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> IntentandoTrying asesinarto aassassinate [[Dalinar]]
Szeth by Tremani Sutcliffe.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|Tremani Sutcliffe}}</small></center> ReflexionandoContemplating sobrehis sus actosactions
Szeth vs Kaladin by BlazeMalefica.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|BlazeMalefica}}</small></center> Luchando contraFighting [[Kaladin]] enin elthe cieloskies
Kaladin and Szeth.jpg | <small><center>deby {{a|Ralf Melevo}}</center></small> Luchando contraFighting [[Kaladin]]
Kaladin Szeth Jordi Rapture.jpg | <small><center>deby {{a|Jordi Rapture}}</center></small> Luchando contraFighting [[Kaladin]]
Kaladin vs Szeth by Dejan Delic.jpg | <small><center>deby {{a|Dejan Delic}}</center></small> Luchando contraFighting [[Kaladin]]
JusticeKaladin atvs the Purelakeszeth by MarieJavier SeebergerCorpas.jpg | <small><center>deby {{a|MarieJavier SeebergerCorpas}}</center></small> Entrenando en elFighting [[LagopuroKaladin]]
Purelake Justice at the Purelake by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <small><center>deby {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</center></small>Impartiendo justiciaTraining enon elthe [[LagopuroPurelake]]
Skybreakers Purelake.jpeg Justice by Marie Seeberger.jpg| <centersmall><smallcenter>deby {{a|botanicaxuMarie Seeberger}}</smallcenter></centersmall>Dealing Entrenandojustice conat losthe [[Rompedores del CieloPurelake]]
SzethSkybreakers ThunderclastPurelake.jpgjpeg | <center><small>deby {{a|Matthew Johnsonbotanicaxu}}</small></center> SzethTraining matando awith unthe [[tronadorSkybreakers]]
Szeth Enters The Battle by Marie SeebergerThunderclast.jpg | <center><small>de by {{a|MarieMatthew SeebergerJohnson}}</small></center> ConSzeth elkilling cuerpo dela [[tronadorThunderclast]]
SkybreakerSzeth andEnters EdgedancerThe Battle by JordiMarie RaptureSeeberger.jpg | <smallcenter><centersmall>deby {{a|JordiMarie RaptureSeeberger}}</centersmall></smallcenter> ConWith [[Lift]]the encorpse laof the [[Batalla de la Explanada Thayleñathunderclast]]
LiftSkybreaker and SzethEdgedancer by DamakoJordi ArtRapture.jpg | <centersmall><smallcenter>deby {{a|DamakoJordi ArtRapture}}</smallcenter></centersmall> ConWith [[Lift]] enat lathe [[Batalla deBattle laof ExplanadaThaylen ThayleñaField]]
TheLift Weightand of It AllSzeth by MarieDamako Seeberger - Szeth and LiftArt.jpg | <center><small>deby {{a|MarieDamako SeebergerArt}}</small></center> ConWith [[Lift]] enat la[[Battle explanadaof thayleñaThaylen Field|Thaylen Field]]
The Weight of It All by Marie Seeberger - Szeth and Lift.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> With [[Lift]] at Thaylen Field
Szeth and Taravangian by Elisgardor.jpg| <small><center>deby {{a|Elisgardor}}</center></small>PreparándosePreparing parato matar akill [[Taravangian]]
Szeth killing Taravangian by Nozomi.png| <small><center>by {{a|Nozomi}}</center></small>Killing [[Taravangian]]
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