Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dalinar Kholin»

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After Kaladin and Shallan returned from Thaylen City, having unlocked the Oathgate, Dalinar had Malata transport him, Navani, and Taravangian through the portal to meet with Fen. When he arrived, he was struck by how much damage the Everstorm had done to the city. When he met Fen, she offered to give him a tour of the city.{{book ref|sa3|58}} After being led through six temples, Dalinar told Navani that this was boring to him. and sheShe explained why Fen was bringing them to the temples, and Dalinar realized that as a leader he also had to be a diplomat. When they arrived at the temple of [[Battah]], Fen, after a hesitation, let them inside to see the field hospital that had been set up there to care for the people who had been injured by the Everstorm and the escaping parshmen. Taravangian asked Fen if he could bring his surgeons to her city, and she accepted his offer. Dalinar tried to offer her troops to help rebuild, but Fen would not respond. Dalinar realized that Fen was not an absolute authority in Thaylenah and as long as the merchants of the city suspected Dalinar of trying to conquer the city she could not allow him to bring any soldiers into the city.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
Fen excused herself, saying that she had to meet with her council. While Dalinar waited, he decided to provoke a fight to show that he did not intend to conquer the city. He started asking [[Kdralk]] questions about the city's defenses, triggering the lad's ire. Dalinar asked him to fight him in a duel with longswords and alternating advantage with Kdralk going first. Dalinar dodged the boy's sword for the duration of the fight until he allowed him to strike him in the chest. Dalinar pulled out the sword and let his Stormlight heal him. The boy told Dalinar that it was his turn to take the sword, but Dalinar declined to fight him, saying that he had already been bloodied. He told Kdralk that if he had been trying to conquer his city he would not be walking around exchanging pleasantries, he would bring an army. To Dalinar's surprise he suddenly felt a rush of shame. He realized that this bullying method of getting his way was the way of the Blackthorn, not the Bondsmith. He walked away to be alone with his thoughts, leaving behind an awed crowd. As he was walking, he heard a voice in his head, the same one he heard in his visions that always told him "''Unite Them''". He soon realized that this was different,; he was hearing hundreds of voices speaking to him together. He realized that he was hearing the spren of the shattered temple and its desire to be whole again. He started gathering the stones of the temple and usingused his Surgebinding to fuse them back together.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
After Dalinar had finished fixing the front wall of the temple, he asked a nearby scribe to write to Urithiru telling Renarin to come. By the time Fen had returned, Kdralk and the other soldiers had started gathering the broken stones so Dalinar could fuse them back together, and healed people were streaming out of the field hospital. Dalinar explained to her that they needed her help since if they were alone, they could not win. He told Fen that he needed her strengths to complement his own. Dalinar convinced her to join him and his coalition in Urithiru, and she gave him advice on how he could convince the Azish to join his side.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
her strengths to complement his own. Dalinar convinced her to join him and his coalition in Urithiru and she gave him advice on how he could convince the Azish to join his side.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
Dalinar decided to give Jezrien's Honorblade, which he had hidden away, to Bridge Four so they could practice their Surgebinding while their captain was away. While he was retrieving it, he had a conversation with the Stormfather about the Heralds and their current situations. The Stormfather told Dalinar that he was not like an ordinary Bondsmith. He had the powers thatof Ishar, Binder of Gods, before he became the Herald of Luck. He told Dalinar that there were only three Bondsmith spren but did not say who they were. Dalinar then took the Blade to Bridge Four and gave it to them with instructions that they use it to continue their training.{{book ref|sa3|64}}
Dalinar then went to his rooms, where Navani and Fen prepared him for his visit to Azimir. Fen gave him a packet of papers which she, Navani, and Jasnah had written as well as a spanreed to communicate with the tower, and Navani handed him a box containing his lunch. As he was walking to the Oathgate, he used [[Adhesion]] to break up a fight between some of Sadeas' and Aladar's soldiers. Dalinar realized that Sadeas's soldiers were getting worse and resolved to come up with a solution to their continued disobedience and brawling. He decided that as a temporary measure he could have them work in Thaylen City repairing the damage the Everstorm had wrought to keep them busy and out of trouble. Jasnah then transported him through the Oathgate, which Lift had unlocked for him, to Azimir.{{book ref|sa3|64}}
