Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:King of Herdaz/Renarin Kholin»

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{{image|Visions of the Future.jpg|side=right|width=250px|Renarin seeing the future}}
Renarin has a "blood weakness" (epilepsy), which prevents him participating in activities of great physical stress, including combat. The weakness affects him in episodes, during which he grows pale and his limbs go weak, to the point of trembling or possible collapse.{{book ref|sa1|52}} When speaking with Kaladin, Renarin reveals that his weakness is epileptic, with the seizures manifesting as a loss of control of a limb or a little bit of twitching, occasionally experiencing weakness along one side of his body. Kaladin guessesbelieves that these are [[Wikipedia: myoclonus|myoclonic seizures]].{{book ref|sa2|41}}
=== Shards ===
After giving his [[Shardblade]] to [[Torol Sadeas]], Dalinar gave his [[Shardplate]] to Renarin, and Adolin later gave him a Shardblade he won in a duel.{{book ref|sa1|69}}{{book ref|sa2|14}} Though he has had very little training with Blade and Plate up to this point, he undergoes training under [[Zahel]]. He also trains as a member of Bridge Four under Kaladin's leadership, though it is unclear if he is trained with or carries a spear. Renarin uses his Shardblade only under great duress or when asked directly, because, as a manifestation of his [[Nahel bond]], he hears the screams of the Blade's dead spren when he holds it. After the [[Battle of Narak]], he gives up his Shards, but learns to manifest Glys as a Shardblade.{{book ref|sa3|10}}
=== Surgebinding ===
He is also a [[Surgebinder]] and a fledgling member of the [[Knights Radiant]]. He claims to be a [[Truthwatcher]], bonded to a spren named [[Glys]], but is not a true member of the order due to the corruption of his spren.{{book ref|sa2|89}} Renarin bonded Glys at some point before Adolin's final duel.{{wob ref|283}} He has access to the [[Surge]]s of [[Progression]] and [[Illumination]], however, he has been unable to successfully use the latter Surge. [[Glys]]'s corruption has not barred Renarin from using Stormlight to surgebindSurgebind or heal.
=== Futuresight ===
Renarin's visions manifest as fits, wherein he sees a number of scenes represented as stained-glass images, some of them underlined with numbers and words. {{book ref|sa3|120}} These visions can show both past and future events, even of situations where Renarin is not present at the time the event depicted happens.{{book ref|sa3|117}} However, the images of the future are not always right, and what actually happens can diverge from what Renarin sees.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
The visions are the result of [[Glys]]'s corruption by [[Sja-anat]] prior to the formation of the Radiant bond. This changed Glys from the typical light-spot shape to a red snowflake, and has somehow introduced Odium's influence to the bond. How far this influence extends is yet to be seen.{{cite}}
== History ==
=== True Desolation (1174-) ===
{{image|Face_the_Unmade_by_Artem_Demura.jpg|side=left|width=200px|Fighting Re-Shephir with Shallan and Adolin.}}
After Sadeas's body was found lying in the hallways of Urithiru when Dalinar was giving orders to his generals and the other highprinces he told Renarin and Shallan to train and master their powers so they could be leaders and teachers for the coming Radiants.{{book ref|sa3|2}} Renarin came to Adolin while he was their father's [[Ryshadium]], [[Gallant]], in one of the tower's stables. Renarin told Adolin that he had to return the Shardblade he had been given since the screams made it unusable for him. Adolin protested that it would leave him defenseless and after some prodding Renarin summoned Glys as a Blade to show him. While they were talking afterwards Renarin used his Surge of [[Progression]] to heal Adolin's hand.{{book ref|sa3|10}}
When Shallan discovered [[Re-Shephir]] in the lower levels of the tower, Renarin came with Adolin and the rest of [[Bridge Four]] in his Shardplate to help her fight off the [[Unmade]]. He is the one who discovers the slow moving blackness of the Unmade, although it is [[Lyn]] who announces it. He is extremely unsettled by the sight, not even responding to Adolin trying to pull him back to the rest of the group. Only when [[Teft]] calls him into formation like a superior officer does he respond and move. He heals Bridge Four as they get injured. He covers Adolin's back when they charge into the room with the gemstone pillar and holds his own while Shallan confronts Re-Shephir.
|There's something down there, something … ancient. You’ve felt it, haven’t you? This place is weird; this whole tower is weird. You’ve noticed it too, right?
|Renarin{{book ref|sa3|29}}
When Shallan discovered [[Re-Shephir]] in the lower levels of the tower, Renarin came with Adolin and the rest of [[Bridge Four]] in his Shardplate to help her fight off the [[Unmade]]. He iswas the one who discoversdiscovered the slow moving blackness of the Unmade, although it iswas [[Lyn]] who announcesannounced it. He iswas extremely unsettled by the sight, notand evendid respondingnot torespond when Adolin tryingtried to pull him back to the rest of the group. Only when [[Teft]] callscalled him into formation like a superior officer doesdid he respond and move.{{book Heref|sa3|29}} healsDuring the fight he healed Bridge Four as they getwere injured.{{book ref|sa3|30}} He coverscovered Adolin's back when they chargecharged into the room with the gemstone pillar and holdshe held his own while Shallan confrontsconfronted Re-Shephir.{{book ref|sa3|29}}
After Jasnah's return, Renarin attends a meeting of brightladies and artifabrians talking about the function of Urithiru and how the gemstone pillar might work. He shares the idea that the city might be one big fabrial rather than several, and is insulted by [[Janala]], who calls him feminine. Navani starts to come to his defense, but Shallan, already vexed by Janala, jumps in instead to defend him. Renarin later thanks her and has a conversation with her about Jasnah, in which he gives Shallan the idea to go to Kholinar as part of the strike team as a spy. When the meeting resumes, Dalinar arrives, which gives Renarin the confidence to actively watch the rest of the proceedings.
|What of you, young Prince Renarin? Your father wishes me to leave you alone. Can you speak, yet say nothing ridiculous?
<br>“Nothing ridiculous,” Renarin said slowly.</br>
“Nothing ridiculous,” Renarin said slowly.
|Wit and Renarin{{book ref|sa1|15}}
|Kid, you're the expert on what’s weird. We’ll trust your word.
|[[Teft]] on Renarin{{book ref|sa3|29}}
