Diferencia entre revisiones de «Cuenca de Elendel»

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→‎Politics: Moved everything specific to Elendel to its page, and rearranged what was left.
m (Reverted edits by EwP (talk) to last revision by Rasarr)
Etiqueta: Reversión
(→‎Politics: Moved everything specific to Elendel to its page, and rearranged what was left.)
== Politics ==
There does not seem to be one over-arching government of the entire basin. Each individual city has its own government. Despite this, the city of Elendel maintains an economic hegemony it uses to influence policy throughout the Basin.
The Basin is governed by a council of representatives of noble houses and trade guilds known as the Senate. The heads of noble households represent their houses, while guild representatives are democratically elected from within the guild. The senate is similar to, and presumably based on the Assembly formed by Elend Venture to govern Luthadel immediately after the skaa rebellion.
It maintains power via taxation. The Basin itself was created by Harmony with canals running like the spokes of a wheel. New cities cropped up along the canals, but they only run to and from Elendel. Any city that wishes to trade good with any city other than along its own spoke has to trade through Elendel, which taxes those goods heavily, specifically to maintain its position of authority.
Early on, Elendel was stable and the outer cities were rural and peaceful. Later on, the workers of Elendel became extremely unhappy at their government. There was eventually a police takeover when Mayor Innate declared the city under martial law, and therefore the police were legally in charge, and had the authority to replace Innate. Many of the other cities however, are still very angry at Elendel, and claim that the government there is corrupt. All the rivers go through Elendel, and all the railways go towards it. This enables Elendel to levy taxes on all the other cities' goods.
When the first railways were lain, they followed the paths of the canals, denying the outer cities any avenue to trade without going through Elendel. Since Elendel remains the only city wealthy enough to create and maintain railways, the outer cities lack the resources to make themselves independent. This has led to extreme animosity from the outer cities, and talk of possible civil war.
Interestingly, some sort of flat-tax is placed on all cities by the city of Elendel for government and infrastructure, though this money goes exclusively towards guards at docks and maintaining railroads. This money does not pay for things like the Governor's salary. However, Elendel also taxes all goods traded through Elendel, and it is implied that this is what pays for things like government salaries. The outer cities consider this unjustified, not without reason. The Basin was designed with canals like the spokes of a wheel, and the first railroads followed the canals. All commerce at this point must go through Elendel, so unless goods are shipped exclusively along one 'spoke' they are taxed. The money of Elendel is used to maintain and expand the rail network, and it is in Elendel's best interest that everyone continue being forced to trade through them. There is civil unrest in the outer estates as they are taxed, but have no say in how that tax money is spent, especially as the money is flagrantly being used to maintain Elendel's hegemony.
Elendel taxes the outer cities, but this specifically pays for what are considered communal services, particularly the canals and railways. This tax does not directly pay for anything like the Governor's salary. However, the taxes on goods shipped through Elendel does.
Most cities have their own local administrations. With the apparent exception of commerce and infrastructure, there does not seem to be an overarching government, though constabularies seem to have a degree of camaraderie.
The outer cities have lobbied for years to have new rail routes set out in a loop but have been denied.
Most cities have their own local administrations. With the apparent exception of commerce and infrastructure, thereThere does not seem to be an overarching government, though constabularies seem to have a degree of camaraderie.
== Notes ==
