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m (+sa3 spoils)
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|books=[[WordsThe ofStormlight RadianceArchive]]
'''Weevilwax''' is a substance commonlyon [[Roshar]] that is used toas officiallyan adhesive, a seal, and an artistic documentsmedium.
== UsageExamples of usage ==
*[[Jasnah Kholin]] uses it to seal a message to theher hired assassin, [[Liss]] she hires.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] uses some of Jasnah's wax to hang a map of [[Urithiru]] on a wall when researching its location.{{book ref|sa2|47}}
*A note from the [[ShallanGhostbloods]] usesto someShallan ofwas Jasnah's waxstuck to hang a mapwall of [[Urithiru]] on a walloutside whenher researchingrooms itswith locationweevilwax.{{book ref|sa2|4788}}
The*A standing mirror with decorative spren in [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s rooms in [[Urithiru]] seemedis decorated with images of [[windspren]] that appear to be carved from weevilwax and then soulcast[[Soulcast]] into hardwood.{{book ref|sa3|4}}
A note from the [[Ghostbloods]] to Shallan was stuck to a wall outside her rooms.{{book ref|sa2|88}}
The standing mirror with decorative spren in [[Dalinar]]'s rooms in [[Urithiru]] seemed to be carved from weevilwax and then soulcast into hardwood.{{book ref|sa3|4}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
