Diferencia entre revisiones de «Día de la Traición»

→‎Speculation: speculation not necessary anymore
(→‎Speculation: speculation not necessary anymore)
The Knights Radiant somehow discovered that surgebinding had destroyed the world humankind first inhabited. In order to save the world, they decided to give up their powers so that Roshar wouldn't be destroyed like their first world was.
== Speculation ==
| Ten orders. We were loved, once. Why have you forsaken us, Almighty! Shard of my soul, where have you gone?
| A [[lighteyes|lighteyed]] woman in her third decade, five seconds before death{{book ref|wok|2}}
It was speculated that the '''Day of Recreance''' was actually the day when [[Odium]] vanquished [[Honor]], the [[Almighty]], [[Splinter]]ing him. This caused all [[Knights Radiant]] to lose the connection that they had, possibly through their [[Spren]]. Believing that they had been abandoned, they lost all hope and abandoned their duties.
This was proven wrong in Oathbringer - the Radiants abandoned the pact after learning humans were not native of Roshar.
== Notes ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
