Diferencia entre revisiones de «Meridas Amaram»

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updated page with events from Words of Radiance
m (→‎Notes: -cols)
(updated page with events from Words of Radiance)
{{quote|'Were you with him when he won his Shards?' 'No,' Kaladin said softly. 'Nobody was.'|Kaladin's answer to Skar's question{{book ref|sa1|55}}}}
== Arrival in the Warcamps ==
Shortly after the [[Battle of the Tower]], Amaram arrives on the Shattered Plains and is greeted as an old friend by [[Dalinar]].{{book ref|sa2|12}} Kaladin tells Dalinar about Amaram's betrayal {{book ref|sa2|22}}, and Dalinar promises to look into the matter, although he cannot take one man's word as proof.
During his time on the Shattered Plains, Amaram works with both Dalinar and Sadeas. He fights for Sadeas, even leading a plateau run that violates Dalinar's new schedule, but afterwards argues in favor of cooperation and a united Alethkar.{{book ref|sa2|29}} He refuses to switch his allegiance to Dalinar, despite being a high enough rank to do so, in order to act as a mediator for the two Highprinces. {{book ref|sa2|37}}
When [[Shallan]] sneaks into Amaram's home for the Ghostbloods {{book ref|sa2|52}}, she discovers a room full of maps showing the Shattered Plains, marked with notes about the [[Parshendi]] and their knowledge of the [[Voidbringers]], along with references to [[Urithiru]], which Amaram believes can be reached through [[Stormseat]] at the center of the Shattered Plains.{{book ref|sa2|60}} The notes use the [[stormwarden script]], a form of glyphs adapted into a more complete writing system. Shallan notes that exposing Amaram as a [[stormwarden]] would damage his reputation.
When Dalinar officially refounds the Knights Radiant, he appoints Amaram as their leader.{{book ref|sa2|55}}
== Honor is Dead ==
After the fight is won, Kaladin uses his boon to accuse and challenge Amaram to a duel. [[Elhokar]] demands Kaladin be executed for his insult.{{book ref|sa2|56}}
== Investigation ==
At Dalinar's request,{{book ref|sa2|75}} Amaram investigates [[Taln]]. Unlike many others in the camps, Amaram is reverent of Taln, calling him "Great Prince," and eager to hear what he has to say.{{book ref|sa2|64}}
{{quote|'Gavilar, we have done it. We have finally ''done'' it.'|Amaram upon meeting Taln {{book ref|sa2|64}}}}
Dalinar asks Amaram to look into "rumors" regarding Taln having a Shardblade. Amaram steals the Blade and tells Dalinar that there is no basis to the rumors,{{book ref|sa2|75}} not realizing that Dalinar had bonded the Blade and left it as bait.{{book ref|sa2|76}} When Amaram steals it and then lies to Dalinar, Dalinar confronts him, and Amaram confesses to killing Kaladin's men. Dalinar forces him to apologize to Kaladin and strips him of his rank as leader of the Knights Radiant.
== The Sons of Honor ==
Following the battle at the center of the Shattered Plains and the arrival of the [[everstorm]], Amaram writes a letter to [[Restares]], a member of the [[Sons of Honor]], informing him of their success: the Voidbringers have returned, which will surely prompt the Heralds to do the same. He returns to the monastery building where Taln is housed and frees him. Taln stops an attempt by the Ghostbloods to assassinate Amaram, and Amaram leads him to his coach{{book ref|sa2|88}}
== Notes ==
