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== Powers granted By the Bond ==
The Nahel Bond grants access to two Differentdifferent [[Surge]]s, providingout aof rangeten possible Surges. Each Order of powersthe someKnights overlappingRadiant shares each of their Surges with one other [[Surgebinder]]sOrder. In addition to the Surges, the Bond creates a mental connection to the members of the Bond. This mental connection provides telepathy and recognition between the Bond members. Other enhancmentsenhancements are granted to some holders of the Bond. forFor example, [[Lightweaver]]s are known for their mnemonic abilities.
Additionally, the bond allows the taking in of Stormlight, which grants incredible healing abilities, such as regrowing an arm. Other people who are close to the [[Surgebinder]], known as Squires, gain this ability as well, although they don't get access to any Surges.
== Severing the Bond ==
