Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sexto del Ocaso»

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|Shardwold=First of the Sun
|released=July 3, 2014
'''''Sixth of the Dusk''''' is a forthcoming [[cosmere]] novella by [[Brandon Sanderson]].{{ref|bws|state-of-the-sanderson|State of the Sanderson}}
It was brainstormed on [http://www.writingexcuses.com/2013/04/21/writing-excuses-8-16-brainstorming-with-brandon-again/ Season 8: Episode 16] of [[wikipedia: Writing Excuses|Writing Excuses]], and is set on a new [[Shardworld]]{{ref|bws|state-of-the-sanderson|State of the Sanderson}}, [[First of the Sun]]. The story follows a man named [[Sixth]] on an archipelago with his magical birds.{{cite}}
An excerpt is available on [[bws: sixth-of-the-dusk|Brandon's website]], presumably the first chapter.
[[Category: Sixth of the Dusk| ]]
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