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== "Trunked" Novels==
These are works that are unlikely to ever be published either because elements have been co-opted for use in other books (as with ''Mythwalker'' and ''Aether of Night'') or because the book has been re-written from scratch (as with ''White Sand'' Prime and ''The Way of Kings'' Prime).
; [[White Sand Prime|''White Sand'' Prime]]
: Brandon's first novel, later re-written as [[White Sand]].{{ref|?|727|65}}
: Brandon's ninth novel, A book that included the characters [[Vivenna]] and [[Siri]] {{ref|?|727|65|List of Books at Hero of Ages Q&A}}
; ''[[Aether of Night]]''
: Brandon's tenth novel, various elements have been canabalizedcannibalized for other works (such as Decay becoming Ruin).
; [[Mistborn Prime|''Mistborn'' Prime]]
: Brandon's eleventh novel, elements were later combined with ''Final Empire'' Prime for ''[[Mistborn: The Final Empire]]''.
Synod, Editors, Keepers
