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|image=The Highstorm by Sakina Minnis.jpg
When a highstorm and the [[Everstorm]] hits a location at the same time, the combined power of the storms can cause even greater destruction than normal, destroying the land below them with enough force to send boulders flying hundreds of feet up in the air.{{book ref|sa2|86}}
On the Rosharan subastral of the [[Cognitive Realm]], highstorms manifest in a non-violent manner, in contrast to its form in the Physical Realm. Instead of powerful winds and rain, the sky would simply light up,{{book ref|sa3|97}}, the clouds shimmering with a mother-of-pearl iridescence.{{book ref|sa3|101}}
=== Centerbeat ===
== Magic ==
{{image|Abovethestorm.png|[[Kaladin]] floating over a highstorm|side=left|width=300px}}
Highstorms are highly [[Investiture|Invested]],{{book ref|sa2|i|6}} and are the primary source of Investiture on Roshar. Gemstones are infused with [[Stormlight]] when left outside during a highstorm, though this only happens in the [[Physical Realm]].{{book ref|sa1|11}}{{book ref|sa4|29}} This magical source of illumination and power is used to Invest [[fabrial]]s and fuel [[Surgebinding]]. If they are within about a hundred feet of a highstorm,{{book ref|sa3|60}} The Investiture provided by the storm only functions when it is "whole", and it cannot split pieces off to reach into sheltered places, such as inside buildings.{{book ref|sa4|71}} Surgebinders can gain Stormlight directly from the storm, instead of using gemstones as an intermediary.{{book ref|sa2|86}} The strength of the storm is not tied directly to the amount of Stormlight Invested into gemstones.{{wob ref|11482}} Highstorms predate the [[Shattering of Adonalsium]],{{wob ref|12266}} though they have been significantly altered from their original form by certain events,{{wob ref|8624}} likely the Shattering itself, as well as both the arrival and [[Splinter]]ing of Honor.
The storms are a physical manifestation of the [[Stormfather]], who has a degree of control over them and can send one at will, with his bonded [[Knights Radiant|Radiant]] sharing his abilities.{{book ref|sa2|83}}{{book ref|sa3|28}}{{book ref|sa4|110}} The [[Highstorm#Centerbeat|center of the storm]] is unnaturally dark and quiet.{{book ref|sa1|35}} In the center, the Investiture of the Stormfather is at its most potent, and the large amount of power can warp time and create bridges between [[Realmatic theory|realms]].{{book ref|sa4|i|1}} The [[Spiritual Realm]] can be accessed via the highstorm through the Cognitive Realm.{{book ref|sa3|97}} The relationship between the highstorm and [[Honor's Perpendicularity]] is unclear.{{book ref|sa3|64}}{{wob ref|1525}} The center of the storm is where the Stormfather can reveal himself to humans other than his [[Bondsmith]].{{book ref|sa3|28}} [[Honorspren]] also have a connection to the highstorms, as they can always predict their arrival{{book ref|sa3|20}} and the Stormfather can also speak directly to [[honorspren]] in the center of the storm.{{book ref|sa4|i|1}}
[[Categoríacategory:Magia magic]]
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