Diferencia entre revisiones de «Freya Marten»

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=== Flight School ===
FM comes from one of the [[deep caverns|lower caves]] and a highly-merited family.{{book ref|sky1|8}} After being accepted into [[flight school]], FM was placed in [[Skyward Flight]] under the tutelage of [[Cobb]]. She was roomed with the other female members of her flight, with the exception of [[Spensa]], who was denied accommodation.{{book ref|sky1|11}}
The week before graduation, the remaining members of Skyward Flight -- FM, Spensa, and Jorgen -- joined with [[Nightmare Flight]] during a routine debris tagging exercise. Thoroughly unimpressed by the dismissive attitude of some of Nightmare Flight's pilots, FM and Spensa gave a demonstration of their light-lancing skills after [[Bog]] and [[Tunestone]] attempted to condescendingly belittle the cadet's skills. During the mission, FM spotted the second half of the shipyard as it began descending from orbit.{{book ref|sky1|46}} The group was set upon by Krell, who had been scouting the shipyard, and took up a defensive position, providing aid to Nightmare Flight members when they were swarmed by enemy ships. During the battle, FM was able to destroy at least one Krell ship by brute force, without needing to engage her [[IMP]].{{book ref|sky1|47}}
=== Full Pilot ===
The next week, FM and Jorgen graduated from flight school, along with six other cadets. As the ceremony ended, the newly promoted pilots joined the rest of the Defiant fleet to go and defend the falling shipyard. FM joined the scouts for this mission, who were tasked with driving the Krell [[lifebuster|bomber]] away from the ship, even if it meant sacrificing Alta Base.{{book ref|sky1|48}} When the lifebuster increased its speed, FM and the scouts were ordered to engage the Krell ship. They successfully destroyed the bomber, but at a great cost, with only three scouts, including FM, surviving the encounter. FM and the other two remaining scouts, joined with Riptide Flight and departed for Alta Base.{{book ref|sky1|48}}{{book ref|sky1|52}} Once reaching the battle near Alta, FM and Jorgen were ordered by Spensa to take down the bomber's shield, allowing Kimmalyn to detach the lifebuster from the enemy ship.{{book ref|sky1|52}}
Following the battle, FM took up a specialized piloting role in the reformed Skyward Flight.{{book ref|sky2|2}} She accompanied Spensa, Kimmalyn, and Sadie into battle against the Krell shortly before the arrival of the Superiority battleships.{{book ref|sky2|2}}
She was part of the battle against the Krell when the delver and Spensa arrived, and tried and failed to save [[Lizard]].{{book ref|sf1|2}} After the battle, she discovered that Jorgen had found several [[taynix]], and she volunteered to help experiment on them.{{book ref|sf1|3}}
=== Experimenting with the Taynix ===
WHen FM volunteered to help with the experimenting on the taynix, Jorgen assigned her the task of finding and retrieving any slugs that escaped.{{book ref|sf1|3}} She eventually deduced that the yellow and blue taynix were hyperjumping out of their boxes. She quickly grew fond of the slugs, feeling protective of them. She named several of them, and encouraged Jorgen to do the same. When Jorgen picked up [[Boomslug]], FM warned him that he was squeezing it to hard, but Jorgen ignored her. This resulted in Boomslug using what is likely a mindblade on Jorgen, inflicting dozens of shallow cuts across Jorgen’s face and arms.{{book ref|sf1|4}}
After she visited Jorgen in the infirmary, her and Jorgen were told that they would be the first to speak with [[Alanik]] since she fell unconscious.{{book ref|sf1|5}} They went to where Alanik was being woken up by the doctors. When Alanik woke up, her and FM talked using a translator pin to translate. FM answered Alanik’s many questions, and Alanik urgently warned her not to trust the Superiority’s false peace. FM began to make headway, getting Alanik to trust her more. Joshua and Cobb soon entered however, and Joshua harshly demanded answers from Alanik and threatened to keep her captive. Alanik was angry, and teleported away using her cytonic abilities.{{book ref|sf1|6}}
Afterward, FM went to go find Rig and found him in the platform control room trying to find the FTL communicator. He subtly tried to get her to leave, and FM asked him what he has against her. Rig admitted that he likes FM, and they awkwardly changed the subject. They found the FTL communicator, a metal box like the one in M-Bot’s ship, and they realized that they’re supposed to put a taynix in it to make it work.{{book ref|sf1|7}}
They deduce through process of elimination that the purple and orange slugs are the ones that can be used as FTL communicators. FM theorized that maybe showing the slugs an image of a delver using cytonics might trigger their abilities. Jorgen picks up [[Gill]] and sends her an image of the delvers, and Gill teleports away. He tries putting Gill in the special metal box that Rig crafted, same as the one that was part of [[M-Bot]]’s machinery. He tried it again with Gill in the box, but nothing happened. They tried putting Happy in instead, and Happy teleported, this time taking Jorgen with him. Jorgen appeared squeezed into a cubby, to the great amusement of FM and the others. They tried a similar experiment with FM and Jorgen in a fighter, with moderate success. Jorgen’s teleporting caught the attention of the Superiority however, and they moved battleships into position for planetary bombardment. Since the humans could potentially escape, they wanted to wipe out the people of Detritus.{{book ref|sf1|8}}
FM and Rig get into a fighter together, and listen to music as they fly up towards the battle. They have taynix in the fighter with them, and Jorgen successfully teleports them close to the battleship’s main cannon. The cannon and it’s controls are shielded however, and FM is soon swarmed by Krell. She is forced to retreat, and Jorgen accidentally teleports her far from the battle. The cannon began to fire, and Cobb called a full retreat. The Engineering Corps managed to get the planetary shield up, blocking battleship’s shots. FM hid until the rest of Skyward Flight came and met up with her outside the shield. After giving the taynix time to settle down, they all touched wings and Jorgen teleported them inside the shield.{{book ref|Sf1|12}}
== Relationships ==
=== Spensa ===
