Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:King of Herdaz/Dalinar Kholin»

m (→‎Gavilar's Death and Dalinar's Transformation: row prologue info and citations)
|Gavilar's last words{{book ref|sa3|105}}
A year later, in {{rosharan date/sa|year=1167}}, the Parshendi signed a formal treaty with Alethkar in the Alethi capital of [[Kholinar]]. Within hours of signing the treaty, the Parshendi sent [[Szeth]], the Assassin in White, to assassinate Gavilar. While the Alethi king was assassinated in the middle of the feast, Dalinar was in a drunken stupor, completely unaware and unable to help.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}{{book ref|sa1|15}} Even after this time, Dalinar was still struggling with his alcoholism, though he hadn't lost his temper with his sons since the time that Renarin reached out.{{book ref|sa3|105}} He would go to great lengths to find alcohol despite the best efforts of those around him.{{book ref|sa4|prologue}} Gavilar's last words were written beside his body, addressed to Dalinar, saying that he must find the most important words a man can say. Dalinar recognized the quote from ''The Way of Kings''.{{book ref|sa3|105}}
At Gavilar's funeral, Elhokar swore revenge against the Parshendi on behalf of all the Alethi. Dalinar was pleased that this could be something to unite the Alethi people in spirit, finally. While he told Adolin to go swear the Vengeance Pact on behalf of the Kholin house, he wandered off to drink. He was on his way when he heard the words from ''The Way of Kings'' in the hallways. When he followed the voice, he found his niece [[Jasnah]] reading the book. Though he was still desperate for a drink, he sat down and requested that she continue. She read the book to him, start to finish. When she finished, she and Dalinar embraced, and she left.{{book ref|sa3|105}}
Adolin found Dalinar the moment after, to ask about the Kholin forces that they will send to the Shattered Plains. Dalinar decided then and there that he needed to be a better man. He told Adolin that he had been a poor father, but that he was so proud of his sons. Dalinar created a plan so that he could leave for the Shattered Plains separate from the other forces, and that a delay would not be considered unusual by anyone else.{{book ref|sa3|105}}
{{image|Seeking Forgiveness by Jordi Rapture.jpg|side=left|width=200px|Dalinar visiting the [[Nightwatcher]]}}
On his separate way to the Shattered Plains, he visited the [[Nightwatcher]]. The Thrill was notably absent. As he approached, he again experienced visions of Rathalas burning, and its people screaming, more real than it had ever been since that night. More visions came of killing the Parshendi, of killing Elhokar and taking the throne for himself, invading other lands, and becoming emperor over all. He knew that this was his future.{{book ref|sa3|114}}
Finally, the Nightwatcher came to him and asked what the Son of [[Honor]] and the Son of [[Odium]] wanted from her. He asked her whether he could ever be forgiven. The Nightwatcher grew aggravated, as she could not grant this request, but another [[Cultivation|being]] approached. A matronly woman with brown skin and a brown dress, calling the Nightwatcher ‘child', commanded Dalinar to attend her instead.{{book ref|sa3|114}}
Though at first, this woman seemed like she would reject him, telling him to seek out Honor instead, Dalinar insisted. She told him she would not change him, but she would prune him. The cost would be high. She warned him she would also take Evi. Dalinar agreed to her terms.{{book ref|sa3|114}}
Afterward, Dalinar found himself outside, unable to remember the specifics of his agreement. He could not fathom that he would ask for forgiveness, of all things, and found it silly in hindsight that he would come to the Nightwatcher. He assumed that he had asked for and been given the boon of peace. He resolved then and there to stop drinking, to stop moping. He decided at this moment to start following the [[Alethi Codes of War]] - he had failed to follow the Codes and it had cost his brother his life. He asked for a copy of ''The Way of Kings'' to be brought to him along the way to the Shattered Plains.{{book ref|sa3|114}}
==== The War Against the Parshendi ====
