Diferencia entre revisiones de «Teoría Realmática»

== Interactions ==
=== Perception ===
Perception is a vital part of how the three versions of a person or an object interact with each other. The Spiritual Realm filters through the Cognitive Realm to get to the Physical Realm.{{wob ref|1823}} While the Spiritual Realm contains the ideal version of something, the Cognitive filter makes sure the Physical version matches their perception of what should be.{{wob ref|9441}} One of the ways this manifests is in healing. For example, [[Kaladin]] feelsfelt he deservesdeserved his slave brands, so they don’t heal. [[Lopen]], on the other hand, never viewed himself as disabled, so his arm grew back.{{wob ref|9441}} The application of this can extend to changing the body of a transgender person to match their identity or rejoining [[wikipedia:Conjoined twins|Siamese twins]] that were separated.{{wob ref|10913}}{{wob ref|1823}}
Perception is also important for how the Invested Arts interact with the three Realms. What a person thinks they can do often limits what they can actually do. For example, [[Shallan]] required ten heartbeats to summon [[Pattern]] as a [[Shardblade]], despite him being a living blade.{{wob ref|6988}} Perception makes using a [[soulstamp]] on an object easier or more difficult. The more an object is viewed as a whole, the easier it is to soulstamp.{{wob ref|9529}} Perception of an object can and does change over time. As an object changes owner or various ingredients are combined into a whole, people’s perception of the objects change.{{wob ref|9423}}{{wob ref|8784}} The transition does not happen instantaneously. There will be a period of time when the line is fuzzy and multiple perceptions of an object can be true.{{wob ref|9423}}
=== Investiture ===
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