Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:King of Herdaz/Renarin Kholin»

finished history
(finished history)
Renarin asked Dalinar what he thought about additional Radiants bonding corrupted spren, since that would increase their access to futuresight. Dalinar told him that he would have to consider it since he was not comfortable yet with the idea of Sja-anat corrupting more spren. Dalinar told Renarin that he should talk to him if he has any more visions, since he also had some experience with seeing visions. Glys asked Renarin who would be good fit for another spren like himself, and Renarin recommended Rlain.{{book ref|sa4|54}}
Later Renarin had a vision concerning Taravangian and visited him to ask him about it. He told Taravangian that something had changed about him and asked why, but Taravangian gave no answer. Renarin told him that in his vision he was shrouded in darkness, with small point of light breaking through. He said that this meant that there was a way to redeem him. Before he left Renarin told Taravangian that he would let him know if he found a way to help him come to a decision.{{book ref|sa4|i|9}} At some later point before Taravangian's [[Ascension]], Renarin gave Taravangian a note saying the words "I'm sorry" alongside two gemstones containing corrupted [[windspren]]. These spren were what enabled Taravangian to summon Rayse to his house so he would able to use [[Nightblood]] to kill him and steal his [[Shard]].{{book ref|sa4|113}}
== Relationships ==
|And by one, you judge the others? '''Renarin didn't say it though. People too often said things as soon as they popped into their heads. Instead he waited.'''
|{{book ref|sa4|54}}
|"Something changed," Renarin finally said, looking away as he spoke. He avoided meeting people's eyes. Why? "About you. Recently. Why?"
|{{book ref|sa4|i|9}}
