Diferencia entre revisiones de «Última Desolación»

added trivia
m (added trivia)
== Culture ==
According to Vorin tradition, mankind, led by the [[Herald]]s and their chosen [[Knights Radiant|knights]], fought off the [[Voidbringers]] ninety and nine times, until finally, Aharietiam came and the Voidbringers were cast back into the [[Tranquiline Halls]]. The Heralds followed to force them out of heaven as well, and Roshar's Heraldic Epochs ended.{{book ref|wok|45}} Songs and paintings depict the final conflict as a grand clash between lines of brave soldiers and giant monsters.{{book ref|sa3|38}}
== Trivia ==
* The name Aharietiam is based on the hebrew words אחרית הימים (''Acharit Hayamim'') meaning the end of days or the apocalypse.{{wob ref|10401}}
== Notes ==
