Diferencia entre revisiones de «Moldear almas»

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(Wording change. The Diagram having access to Soulcasting does not necessarily mean that the *nation* of Kharbranth has access to Soulcasters)
== Savants ==
The long-term use of Soulcasting, whether via Surgebinding or a fabrial, can lead to the user becoming a [[savant]], transforming slowly into the essence they frequently transform other objects into.{{wob ref|1557}} The effects of savanthood are much less pronounced for Surgebinders and can take a different path in their manifestation, due to the [[Nahel bond]].{{wob ref|8742}} Some Soulcaster ardents developon the Shattered Plains developed crystalline eyes and stone-like skin with cracks.{{book ref|sa2|35}} Another ardent in Kholinar appears as if there are vines growing under her skin and poking out from her eyes. There may also be effects on the user's personality; Kaza feels drawn to become smoke with the objects she transforms, and begins to lose normal human emotional responses. She becomes smoke in places, to the point where she has a hole in her cheek that leaks smoke. Her hair and ears have also started to transform, with single ribbons of smoke coming off each finger. This process is different from simply having transformed a portion of oneself accidentally.{{book ref|sa3|i|4}}
== Origin of Soulcasting Fabrials ==
