Diferencia entre revisiones de «Waxillium Ladrian»

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====Uncovering the Weapon====
Staying ahead of the local authorities and following up on their only lead from the party, Wax rode a stagecoach toward the construction site to the northeast. Along the way, he helped Marasi field test the cube device she had taken from the train robbers, which they took to calling an [[primer cube|Allomantic grenade]] as it seemed to somehow extend the area of effect of its user's Allomancy. At the construction site, Wax, Wayne, MeLaan, and Marasi successfully infiltrated the perimeteconstruction site, discovering that a large, nondescript building was actually a facade, covering up Edwarn's real effort in New Seran--the apparent construction of a huge, wooden warship.{{book ref|mb6|17}}
Splitting from Marasi and MeLaan, who went in search of ReLuur's stolen spike, Wax and Wayne entered the warship, determined to locate Edwarn himself. Using a spyglass borrowed from MeLaan, Wax immediately changed their plan when he located the chamber where Telsin was being held. Easily bypassing the workmen and engineers blocking his path, Wax quietly entered the room dead set on saving his sister. Finally reunited, Wax was surprised when Telsin immediately took brutal retribution on one of her captors. The years had really changed her just as, he supposed, they had changed him.{{book ref|mb6|18}} Fighting their way out, accompanied by a generous helping of speed bubble assistance from Wayne, Wax joined in a grand escape after [[Allik]], a masked man that Marasi had rescued, revealed the existence of a second, smaller ship which could detach from the main vessel and lift into the sky.{{book ref|mb6|20}}