Diferencia entre revisiones de «La esperanza de Elantris»

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m (→‎Summary: replace with dedicated summary page)
== Development ==
Brandon got the idea to write this story in January 2006, as he was dating his wife Emily. Emily mentions one of her eighth grade students has done a book report on [[Elantris]]. Matisse, the student, had done an outstanding job on her book report. There were detailed bios of the characters and even some materials you would find in the book. Brandon was moved by her report and wrote this companion story, with Matisse’s name as the lead character in honor to her. When Brandon and Emily were married, Matisse gave the book report to Brandon as a wedding gift.{{bws ref|annotation-The-Hope-of-Elantris|The Hope of Elantris|date=2006-01}}
== Statistics ==
''The Hope of Elantris'' consists of a 391-word intro and a 183-word outro from the PoV of Raoden, while the remainder is written from the PoV of Matisse.
! Word Count
| style="text-align:center" | 6,140
! PoV Characters
| style="text-align:center" | 2
! PoV Count
| style="text-align:center" | 3
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
