Diferencia entre revisiones de «Asesinato de Gavilar»

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(copied "To Weep" from OB summaries)
m (... and added book ref)
|location=[[Kholinar Palace]], [[Kholinar]]
|books=[[The Way of Kings]], [[Words of Radiance]], [[Oathbringer]]
{{cite note}}
Gavilar then gives Szeth a strange black sphere and tells him, "You must take this. They must not get it." He then instructs Szeth to tell Gavilar's brother Dalinar that he must "find the most important words a man can say."
Because as a Shin, Szeth considers a dying wish to be sacred, he leaves a note for Dalinar written in Gavilar's blood. He takes the sphere and flees.{{book ref|twoksa1|Prologue}}
=== To Question (Jasnah) ===
As she leaves Jasnah hears the Parshendi's drums cease. As she walks she encounters Nale and an unidentified man discussing an individual named Ash as well what Jasnah believes is a shardblade. Continuing on, Jasnah hears screams and starts running, following a trail of destruction that leads to her father's rooms. She watches as Szeth collapses the balcony beneath himself and Gavilar. She begins to cry as he stands over her father and wonders what he is doing. When he walks away she sees that her father is dead, his blade having appeared next to him, and despairs over failing in her efforts to protect her family.
Members of the Parshendi ruling council, including Klade, Gangnah, and Varnali, approach Jasnah and apologize. They confess to hiring Szeth to assassinate Gavilar, claiming he was about to do something very dangerous.{{book ref|worsa2|Prologue}}
=== To Weep (Eshonai) ===
[[Eshonai]] arrives at the docks of [[Kholinar]] and marvels at its beauty and size. She talks to [[Gitgeth]] about the [[Parshman]] slaves, whom he calls "rhythmless ones." They are only capable of trying to help and cannot even comprehend the invitation to join the celebration. Eshonai wanders off toward the palace and begins exploring. She peeks into a doorway and sees King [[Gavilar]]. [[Amaram]] comes out and says that the king would like to speak to her. Gavilar dismisses the others in the room and he invites her to sit down. He shows her a [[fabrial]] and explains that they work by trapping [[spren]] in a gemheart. She is awed that the humans have made devices that mimic how they apply the forms. He believes that the world is stuck in a rut and needs a major conflict to progress. Eshonai is horrified that Gavilar wants to bring back the gods that their people abandoned long ago. He then gives her a dark yet glowing sphere, which he claims to hold a god, and tells her to give a message to the [[Council of Five]], to remember what they once were and "wake up." Eshonai runs from the room.
Eshonai is at the evening celebration, beating a drum, trying to lose herself in the rhythm. She has told the Five that Gavilar wants to bring back their gods, and that he has the knowledge to do it. [[Klade]] claims to have heard a voice leading him to an [[Szeth|assassin]], and the Five have agreed to have him kill the king. Eshonai weeps as she leaves the celebration.{{book ref|sa3|Prologue}}
== Notes ==