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|effects=Transformation of Chicago into steel
{{quote| Later that night, he performed the Great Transfersion, an awesome display of power by which he transformed most of Chicago—buildingsChicago -- buildings, vehicles, streets—intostreets -- into steel. That included a large portion of Lake Michigan, which became a glassy expanse of black metal. It was there that he built his palace.|[[David]]{{book ref|Steelheart|prologue}}}}
| [[David]]{{book ref|Steelheart|prologue}}
The '''Great Transfersion''' is an act performed by [[Steelheart_(Epic)|Steelheart]] at the beginning of his reign in [[Newcago]], presumably as part of his ploy to make as many people as possible fear him and thereby prevent his weakness from being used against him. It is a grand display of his [[Epic]] Transfersion ability that transforms non-living solid and liquid material into steel. It transforms most of the old city of Chicago, including a portion of Lake Michigan, and reaches dozens, or possibly hundreds, of feet down into the ground. During the early years of his reign, Steelheart makes his [[Diggers]] carve out several levels of [[understreets]] in the steel.{{book ref|Steelheart|1}}
The '''Great Transfersion''' is an act performed by [[Steelheart_Steelheart (Epic)|Steelheart]] at the beginning of his reign in [[Newcago]], presumably as part of his ploy to make as many people as possible fear him and thereby prevent his weakness from being used against him. It is a grand display of his [[Epic]] Transfersion ability that transforms non-living solid and liquid material into steel. It transforms most of the old city of Chicago, including a portion of Lake Michigan, and reaches dozens, or possibly hundreds, of feet down into the ground. During the early years of his reign, Steelheart makes his [[Diggers]] carve out several levels of [[understreets]] in the steel.{{book ref|Steelheart|1}}
Steelheart's transfersion ability, while very powerful, has some limitations. The effect radiates out from him like sound waves, transforming anything it touches into steel; however, anything already made of metal, especially steel or iron, reduces the effect of the power, and a sufficient amount can stop it entirely.{{book ref|Steelheart|25}} As a result, the contents of the bank vault of the [[First Union Bank (Newcago)|First Union Bank]] are mostly protected; the [[Reckoners]] eventually reach the vault and go through its contents while looking for clues to Steelheart's weakness. Living beings are also entirely unaffected by Steelheart's transfersion, as is anything very close to a living being.{{book ref|Steelheart|25}}{{book ref|Firefight|5}}