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Telsin convinces Wax that they must go to the temple before Suit's expedition does so they can claim the [[Bands of Mourning]]. As they fly there, the skimmer flies over the group and Telsin "accidentally" causes [[Wayne]] to kick a pack overboard, hitting one of the guards and alerting them to their presence.{{book ref|mb6|23}} This, along with her quick shooting of the thug (who would have revealed her true identity), causes Wax to suspect her, as we find out later.
After encountering Suit and entering the temple, Telsin betrays Wax and shoots him three times before he can escape through a trap. She also incapacitates [[MeLaan]], injecting her and taking her spikes. She has been a member of the Set all along, and is known as Sequence.{{book ref|mb6|27}} She outranks Suit. She also has acquired some [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic powers]], among them being a [[steel|coinshot]]{{book pushingref|mb6|25}}, [[gold|bloodmaker]]{{book ref|mb6|30}}, and health[[chromium|leecher]]{{book ref|mb6|26}}.
After [[Marasi]] finds the Bands of Mourning and turns the tide of the encounter, Telsin attempts to escape on the skimmer. Wayne finds her and starts shooting her to avenge Wax's (temporary) death. He figures she has Hemalurgic health anyway, so he doesn't have much compunction about shooting her in the face with a shotgun.{{book ref|mb6|29}} After reclaiming the spikes she was carrying, he lets her go.{{book ref|mb6|31}} Afterwards, Wax finds the skimmer gone, she having apparently escaped.{{book ref|mb6|30}}
{{Mistborn|Era 2}}
[[category: viewpoint characters]]