Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shallan Davar»

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(Update with Oathbringer information. Edit if you see errors)
As Shallan attended another meeting led by Dalinar, she drew an image of the spren she encountered while in the theater. Pattern informed her that this was not a typical spren like he is but it was, instead, a spren of [[Odium]]. Bored by the political conversation, Shallan drew an image of Sadeas and discovered that his appearance was similar to that of Brightlord Perel, confirming her belief that the murderer was copying any violent acts performed in Urithiru. While idly flipping through her drawings of the recent murder victims, [[Malata]], the [[Dustbringer]] accompanying [[Taravangian]], attempted to make small talk with the Lightweaver, but Shallan found the conversation unpleasant due to her indifferent attitude and overfamiliarity when conversing with her.{{book ref|sa3|27}} As she began to plan her next move in her search for the murderer, the room quieted as Ialai Sadeas and Meridas Amaram entered. While initially shocked by their sudden appearance, Dalinar attempted to invite Ialai to attend the meeting, but she quickly rejected his invitation and announced Amaram's delegation as regent and heir to the title of House Sadeas. After Adolin insulted the highprince, Dalinar asked his son to leave the room and Shallan quickly followed. When she caught up with the young prince, he expressed his displeasure by Ialai's announcement, and Shallan unexpectedly shared her belief that Amaram may have killed [[Helaran]]. As she explained that the highprince possessed her brother's former Shardblade, Adolin reluctantly shared that Amaram obtained the Shardblade after [[Kaladin]] killed a [[Helaran|Shardbearer]]. Shocked by the news, Shallan tucked her thoughts away, and tried to move the conversation to another topic while they made their ways to the bottom floors of the tower. While Adolin went to visit the stables, Shallan returned to her room and absentmindedly flipped through her sketchbooks to keep her mind busy. While flipping through the sketchbook, she found strange images she could not recall drawing. Disturbed by the drawings, she shut her sketchbook and quickly left her room. Later, she arrived in the common room of the barracks and informed her soldiers the she had a new job for them. {{book ref|sa3|27}}
{{quote|Plan every battle as if you will inevitably retreat, but fight every battle like there is no backing down.|Adolin to Shallan as she hestitated during her battle with Re-Sephir{{book ref|sa3|30}}}}
Prowling through the Breakaway markets, Shallan, disguised as Veil, became increasingly concerned by the strange spren that seemed to creep over the people in Urithiru. Despite being aware of their ignorance, she was frustrated by the common populace's lack of concern while the void creature inconspicuously observed them. Shallan used her guards to try and search for any more clues about the recent murder, but they had not found any new least in the four days since they began their investigation. While Veil waited for a new murder, she made her way to her soldiers,[[Gaz]] and [[Red]], both unaware of Veil's true identity. Also frustrated by the lack of new leads, the two soldiers grumbled about the lack of action and began to poke at Veil's history. She lied by saying that Shallan had picked her up and hired her as a soldier under her, which they seemed to accept. Annoyed by their questioning, Veil reminded them to keep watch of a murder similar to one that occurred recently. Three nights ago, a player in an initially friendly game of cards hit another player in the head with a bottle, effectively killing the man. The perpetrator, later revealed to by one of Ruthar's soldiers, had been executed via hanging in market's central square. Veil was sure that the spren would return to copy the murder by hitting another person with a bottle as well, so she had ordered her men to keep watch of a similar murder. As Veil began to reflect on both the similarities and differences between her, Shallan, and Radiant, she was startled by a sudden scream in the market. Following he sound of the scream, she encountered [[Vathah]], who informed her that the murder had actually been similar to the hanging of the executed soldier. As Shallan chased after the murderer, she transformed into Radiant in order to engage with the spren. Realizing she would have to descend deeper into the tower city, she sent Pattern to bring Adolin along with additional soldiers as backup. Before Adolin could arrive, she quickly removed Veil's clothing and, unaware of what she was doing, cast an illusion of Shallan over herself. Realizing what she did, Shallan began to panic as Adolin arrived along with [[Bridge Four]]. After informing them of her encounter with the strange spren, she and the rest of the party found a room containing a pit where the creature was likely settling in. As they descended down the hole, they discovered a room covered with murals depicting all ten [[Herald|heralds]] and the [[Almighty]]. Immediately after they enter the room [[Renarin]] informed them that [[Gyls]], his spren, felt something unpleasant about the room. Shallan agreed and mentioned that Dalinar could not feel it but the two of them could. As Shallan brought that to light, Renarin was about to say something, when Adolin returned to show Shallan the decaying library he had found. As Shallan began to mourn the loss of ancient knowledge, Lyn and Renarin alert the others as they found a large black mass settlign in the hallway. While they gaped at the strange form, they realized that the murders have been the result of the [[Unmade]], [[Re-Shephir]]. {{book ref|sa3|29}}
[[File:Midnight Mother 2.jpg|500px|thumb|leftright|Shallan confronting Re-Sephir in Urithiru by [[Coppermind:Artists/Petar Penev|Petar Penev]]]]
In response to the intruders, the Unmade created copies of Bridge Four in order to repel them from its domain. As Shallan watched the creature, she had the vague impression that she was familiar with the Unmade and knew why it was committing murders. While Adolin and Bridge Four's attempted to drive the creatures back, Shallan made her way closer to the spren despite Adolin's insistence that she retreat. As the Unmade continued to create increasingly distorted copies of the residents of Urithiru, Shallan used her Illumination abilities to conjure a glowing radiant force consisting of copies of people she drew in her sketchbook, seemingly driving the Unmade's creations back. {{book ref|sa3|29}} Making her way closer to the Unmade, the black form began to began away and revealed a bowl-shaped room where the rest of its form resided in. Realizing that she had a strange connection with Re-Sephir and that the midnight creatures were no longer intimidated by her light, Shallan began to hesitate and asked Adolin whether they should retreat or continue to fight the Unmade. At Adolin's advice, Shallan ordered Bridge Four and Adolin to clear away for her to reach the central mass and Renarin to watch her back. Using her Illumination abilities, Shallan conjured different versions of herself to take the brunt of the midnight creatures' attacks. While they distracted the Unmade, she made her way into the dark mass and gingerly pressed herself into the Unmade. {{book ref|sa3|29}} As Shallan connected with Re-Sephir, she learned that it was an ancient spren creating by the splintering of a greater being. After being ordered to cause chaos, the Unmade became interested in men and eventually found itself attracted to the violence they committed. Clinging to the advice Adolin had given her, Shallan continued to attack the Unmade using stormlight. While she struck at creature, she learned that it was scared of being trapped again as it had been by another [[Lightweaver]] in the past. As Shallan realized that the Unmade was learning about her just as she was with the creature, she began to back down out of fear despite convincing herself that she would continue to fight off the Unmade. As Re-Sephir was forced itself out of the pit and fled, Shallan told the rest of the group not to follow. {{book ref|sa3|30}} While [[Teft]] grumbled about Shallan's order not to follow the Unmade, he assented and they discovered a large treasure of cut gemstones where the Unmade had previously settled in.