Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shallan Davar»

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(→‎Urithiru: few edits about Oathbringer from the top of my head with addition of references. Will continue later)
=== Urithiru ===
Adolin and Shallan build their relationship while in the tower city. Adolin begins to teach her how to use a shardblade. Shallan cannot bring herself to use the blade so she creates a new personality, one she calls Brightness Radiant or just Radiant, to take on while using the shardblade. {{book ref|sa3|15}}
Dalinar asked her to learn as much as she can about her powers. She begins to better control her creations and can now cause them to move. She puts on a play for Pattern using just her illustions. She uses Veil to become knowledgable about the darkeyes society in the city. Recently Sadeas was killed, and then another person just like him was killed the same way. Shallan investigates as Veil, and learns that there have been severel double murders and later discovers that whatever is copying the murders is copying all violence. She uses her guards to try and figure out the problem. She discosers that the violence copier is the Unmade Re-Shephir. With Adolin and Bridge Four's help she attacks the Unmade. She forces the Unmade out of Rep-Shephir.
After Jasnah comes back and Shallan realizes that she is still her ward Shallan begins to dislikes it. She schemes on ways to get out of it. As Veil she meets Ishnah who was once a spy and begins to learn from her. She begins to realize her way out of Urithiru and convinces Elhokar to let her go and help take back Kholinar.
==== Veil's Investigation ====
During her period switching between Shallan, Veil and Radiant, Shallan has an identity crisis that borders on dissociate identity disorder, unable to determine which version of her is really herself. She enjoys Veil's carefree attitude, describing her as someone who doesn't "hurt", but also enjoys being Radiant for the simple focus and time with Adolin.
She uses Veil to become knowledgable about the darkeyes society in the city. {{book ref|sa3|18}} Recently Sadeas was killed, and then another person just like him was killed the same way. Shallan investigates as Veil, and learns that there have been several double murders and later discovers that whatever is copying the murders is copying all violence. She uses her guards to try and figure out the problem. She discovers that the murder have been the result of the [[Unmade]], [[Re-Shephir]]. {{book ref|sa3|25}}
==== Encounter with Re-Sephir =====
With Adolin and Bridge Four's help she attacks the Unmade. She forces the Unmade out of Rep-Shephir. While Shallan recovers from her encounter with the Unmade, Adolin barges into her room to inform her that JAsnah has returned.{{book ref|sa3|32}}
==== Jasnah's Return =====
After Jasnah comes back and Shallan realizes that she is still her ward Shallan begins to dislikes it.{{book ref|sa3|33}} She schemes on ways to get out of it. As Veil she meets Ishnah, who was once a spy, and begins to learn from her{{book ref|sa3|25}}{{book ref|sa|40}}. As Isnah teaches her how to observe her surroundings, Shallan realizes he is late for her meeting and runs and begrudgingly continues her duties as a scribe. When [[Renarin]] is being taunted by [[Janala]], Shallan stood up for him, which he greatly appreciated. The two get closer and she begins to realize her way out of Urithiru after Renarin tells her that she should stand up to Jasnah more or just not be around her anymore. {{book ref|sa3|44}} She managed to convince Elhokar to let her go and help take back Kholinar after offering herself and her spies to accompany the king and telling him that they are not Dalinar's subjects and they can do as they please {{book ref|sa3|51}}.
==== Plan in Kholinar =====
When Shallan begins to doubt her actions taken to provide for the poor citizens in Holinar, [[Wit]] arrives and comforts her. While talking, they discuss the meaning of power, eventually giving Shallan the advice she needed to infiltrate the [[Cult of Moments]]. After this, he leaves her with the bill for the food he ate, much to her displeasure. {{book ref|sa3|68}}
As they return to Kholinar, Shallan aids the army by summoning illusions of all the people she drew in her sketchbook to attract the Voidbringers. {{book ref|sa3|2}} During her period switching between Shallan, Veil and Radiant, Shallan has an identity crisis that borders on dissociate identity disorder, unable to determine which version of her is really herself. {{book ref|sa3|120}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==