Diferencia entre revisiones de «Orden de los Forjadores de Vínculos»

; "Godspren":
It has been theorized that the Bondsmith spren may be "godspren" -- in other words, the cognitive representation of the people of Roshar's gods. This might explain why Bondsmiths are said to have bound such "specific" spren, and also why there is only three Bondsmiths at any given time. Presumably, this would be due to that fact that there would only be as many powerful "godspren" at any given time as there were heavily worshipped gods on Roshar. Honor (i.e. The Almighty) and Cultivation are two obvious candidates for having "godspren." Indeed, The [[Stormfather]] is already confirmed to be the "godspren" of Honor.{{cite}} Who the other worshipped god could be on Roshar is unclear at this point. because there were three gods influencing Roshar, Honor, Cultivation, and Odium, the third may be an Odiumspren, though this is not confirmed. It should be noted that "pious" is the primary divine attribute of Ishar, the Herald of the Order of Bondsmiths. This would seem to fit with the idea of Bondsmiths sharing a Nahel bond with "godspren."
; Binding people:
Given Dalinar's role in uniting the Knights Radiant, it is possible that the Bondsmiths have a magical means to unite people. The text suggests that this applies to oaths and the bonds between people. Ishar, the Heraldic patron of the Bondsmiths, is said to have been the one who originally forced organization onin the early Surgebinders.{{epigraph ref|sa2|42}}
== Notes ==
