Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shallan Davar»

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|religion=[[Vorinism]] <small>(Devotary of Purity)</small>{{book ref|sa1|33}}
|groups={{tag|Knights Radiant}} <small>([[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweavers]])</small><br>[[Ghostbloods]]
|born={{Rosharan date/sa|year=1156}}{{17s ref|date=2014-01-25|post|89705|text=Peter Ahlstrom talks about character ages}}
|nation=Jah Keved
=== Early life (1156–1173) ===
==== Childhood ====
Shallan is born into the [[House Davar|Davar]] household to [[Lin Davar|Lin]] and her [[Shallan's mother|mother]] in {{Rosharan date/sa|year=1156}}. Shallan is the youngest of five children, with four older brothers: [[Helaran Davar|Helaran]], [[Balat Davar|Balat]], [[Wikim Davar|Wikim]], and [[Jushu Davar|Jushu]]. The Davar household is a mid-level noble family, with the patriarch Lin holding the fourth [[dahn]], while Shallan herself is of the fifth dahn.{{book ref|sa2|52}} The Davar family's estates are in [[Jah Keved]], in Highprince [[Valam]]'s territory.
As a child, Shallan has a happy life with her parents and four brothers; she recalls when [[Lin Davar|her father]] rarely becomes angry.
==== Murder attempt ====
By {{Rosharan date/sa|year=1167}}, when Shallan is eleven, she begins bonding to [[Pattern]] and manifesting [[Surgebinding]] abilities. Her mother and an unknown associate realize what is happening and attempt to kill Shallan. While they have Shallan cornered in a room, Shallan's father bursts in and attempts to save Shallan, but her mother's associate restrains him. Shallan summons Pattern as a Shardblade and, in self-defense, kills both her mother and her associate.{{book ref|sa2|10}}{{book ref|sa2|88}}
Shallan's father protects her by allowing the world to believe that he killed Shallan's mother and her lover. He also takes Pattern and locks him away in his strongbox, although unknown to him, Pattern simply vanished away the instant he closed the door. Meanwhile, Shallan represses the memory of these events, only remembering that she was in the room with her father and two corpses, forgetting that she ever had a Shardblade or that she killed her mother.{{book ref|sa2|10}}{{book ref|sa2|19}}{{book ref|sa2|88}}
Five months later, Helaran informs Shallan and Lin that he must leave as he has issues to attend to. Lin protests and during the confrontation, Helaran summons a Shardblade and threatens Lin with it. Shallan speaks for the first time in months, stopping the violence and asks Helaran to stay. Helaran is unable to stay, but he promises to return and check on Shallan.{{book ref|sa2|19}}
A year later, around {{Rosharan date/sa|year=1168}}, Shallan speaks normally again, although the Davar family is deteriorating. Helaran visits sporadically and briefly, bringing Shallan drawing materials and avoiding their father. Her father is still in a constant state of anger; her brother Balat is increasingly destructive, setting fire in the servants' building; and Jushu settles into a state of despair, choosing to get drunk and gamble away his money and jewels.{{book ref|sa2|27}}
Around {{Rosharan date/sa|year=1169}}, their father throws a feast for the Tavinar family, a nearby lighteyed family. During the feast, while Lin is announcing that he is to be married to [[Malise Gevelmar]], he is interrupted by [[Redin]], the bastard son of Highprince [[Valam]]. Under orders from Valam, Redin has come to investigate the rumors of Shallan's mother's death, but Redin doesn't have enough evidence to proceed against Lin for murder and is forced to leave.{{book ref|sa2|39}}
Half a year later, the entire Davar family is at the Middlefest Fair. During the fair, Shallan attempts to bring happiness to her brothers, setting up Balat on a date with [[Eylita Tavinar]], giving Wikim complicated highstorm equations to work on, and preparing a list of duels to show Jushu. It is during this festival that Shallan first meets [[Hoid]], who is conversing with her father as he bears a message from Helaran. Hoid is shocked at discovering Shallan, realizing that she is a [[Surgebinder]]. Hoid seeks out Shallan afterwards and questions her about her powers. Shallan deflects the questions and Hoid tells Shallan a story about finding happiness even in the most adverse conditions. Hoid leaves after confirming that Shallan has not yet mastered her powers.{{book ref|sa2|45}}
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