Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Disorientedperson/Calamity (Epic)»

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Later, during a final battle with Prof, Larcener unexpectedly shows up and attempts to take Prof's abilities back.{{book ref|calamity|46}}
[[Obliteration]] teleports David to the International Space Station to confront Calamity.{{book ref|calamity|47}} Calamity reveals himself as Larcener to David, who proceeds to detonate a bomb made from Obliteration's powers.{{book ref|calamity|48}} Calamity instantly reverses the effects of the explosion and tries to kick David out of the space station. Prof and [[Megan]] teleport into the space station to rescue David, and then Megan sends David and Calamity to the alternate reality where the real Firefight exists.{{book ref|calamity|49}} David shows Calamity that the Calamity of this reality left after making people into Epics, and they do not corrupt while using their powers; they actually are heroes. When Calamity realizes that the corruption that he claims that humans have is actually just his corruption, he collapses and disappears. What happens to him is unknown.{{book ref|calamity|50}}
== Abilities and Attributes ==
== Relationships ==
Calamity is a member of an organization that nothing is currently known about.{{book ref|calamity|48}}
His society of inhuman things?
TheCalamity, Covenas a clone of himself, is a member of the Coven and the ruler of Ildithia. LetsHe forces lesser Epics to do everythingall work for him because of laziness.{{cite}}
== Notes ==