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m (Seon -> lowercase)
'''Wyrn''' is the name and title given to the leader of the [[Shu-Dereth|Derethi]] church, based in [[Fjorden]] on [[Sel]].{{book ref|Elantris|3}} According to the doctrine of Shu-Dereth, he is the only individual that can serve [[Jaddeth]] directly.{{book ref|Elantris|8}}
All other members of the church are bound to other members of the religious hierarchy below Wyrn, with him at the top and the [[Gyorn]]s and [[Gragdet]]s directly beneath him.
Wyrn also kept a [[Seonseon]] with him, and entrusted another to each of his gyorns so that any gyorn would be able to contact him and discuss important matters, even when seperated by incredibly long distances. This was a matter of utter secrecy, since the [[Seonseon]]s were originally Elantrian constructs. One such [[Seonseon]] was used by [[Hrathen]] to communicate with Wyrn Wulfden during his mission in [[Kae]]. The [[Seonseon]]s were kept locked away in strongboxes to ensure their secrecy while not being used, and the Wyrn's own personal Seonseon was attended to by a mute servant at all times.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}
Wyrn [[Wulfden]] the Fourth perpetrated the [[Invasion of Arelon]].{{book ref|Elantris|3}}