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The Nahel Bond grants the human the ability to [[Surgebind]]. Surgebinding allows one to use Stormlight, which grants superhuman abilities to the user, such as increased strength, agility, and healing abilities. It also perfects innate skills of the user but does not grant additional skills; for example, an expert spearman will become a spearman without equal, but will not become a master swordsman. In addition, Stormlight fuels the primary magic of Surgebinding: the usage of [[Surge]]s.
Each type of spren will grant its human Surgebinder two different Surges. Which two is decided by whatthe type of spren to which they are bonded, and thus, which order of knights they arebelong into. There are ten different types of surges, and ten different orders of knights, so each surge is used by exactly two different orders of knights. There is a cognitive connection between all people who are bonded with a certain type of spren. This mental connection provides telepathy and recognition between the Bond members. Some Orders of the Knights Radiants have additional, unique abilities. For example, [[Lightweaver]]s are known for their mnemonic abilities (which manifests differently in each person) and [[Skybreaker]]s can divide the innocent from the guilty. This is a result of the two surges overlapping, producing an effect like mixed chemicals..
When the Nahel bond is at a sufficient strength, the bonded spren can instantly manifest itself as a Shardblade in any number of forms. For example, when [[Kaladin]] and [[Syl]] are in battle, Syl is able to manifest herself as a sword, a spear, and a shield. A human using a Shardblade without a Nahel Bond (these shardblades are dead spren) must wait ten heartbeats before the summoning will take place, and are limited to using the Shardblade in the form of a large sword.