Diferencia entre revisiones de «Subastral de Roshar»

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For a member of the [[Order of [[Lightweavers]] to be granted entrance to Shadesmar, the person must have spoken enough truths about themselves to their bonded Cryptic. In Shallan's case, the Cryptic she calls [[Pattern]] no longer required truths for her to enter Shadesmar{{book ref|WoR|7}} after she confessed her darkest secret.{{book ref|WoK|70}} Pattern helps Shallan Soulcast by acting as a translator between her and the objects represented by the glass beads.
Another type of spren that give access to Shadesmar are [[Inkspren]]. These do not seem to require truths from the [[Elsecaller]]s that they are bonded to. Aside from Soulcasting, Elsecallers can also use the glass beads on Shadesmar to form various structures that can be used there. For example, [[Jasnah]] can create a raft out of Shadesmar beads that she could stand safely on.{{book ref|WoK|70}}