Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Las Lentes Fragmentadas»

hopefully that doesn't break everything
m (fix spelling)
m (hopefully that doesn't break everything)
{{anchor|Chapter pi}}
== Chapter ππ ==
Alcatraz barges in on a meeting of the Council of Kings and announces that he wants to take a vacation. After a couple of tempting suggestions, he insists that he wants to go someplace really exciting: Tuki Tuki. Grandpa drops a hint about the Knights having to protect him there, then they run from the chamber. A moment later they find themselves pursued by at least fifty Knights. If they can catch Alcatraz before he leaves, they can lock him up in protective custody. The Knights quickly catch up, so Grandpa joins their side, chasing Bastille and Alcatraz, enabling him to engage his Talent and make them arrive late to the pursuit.
{{anchor|Chapter infinity}}
== Chapter ∞ ==
Alcatraz races away, grabbing his jacket and Lenses. He runs into [[Draulin]], Kaz, Aydee, and some Mokian soldiers. Draulin is there to evacuate Alcatraz; the rest of the Knights will stay to fight and die. They had not come originally even though they wanted to because they knew it was hopeless. The ro-bats smash through the glass dome allowing the rest of the army to pour into the city. Alcatraz rides off on the ''Owlport'' with the king and queen on board as well. Alcatraz remembers Bastille and commandeers the vessel, ordering it down to a camp outside the city. They land near the prisoner tent. While Kaz and Draulin deal with the guards, Alcatraz collects a comatose Bastille. As they return to the ship, it is blasted by Librarian cannon fire, disabling it. Alcatraz is extremely frustrated; he has failed at everything he tries to accomplish -- saving his father, defending Mokia, rescuing Bastille. His Breaking Talent swells within him, and he unleashes it through the Bestower's Lens and into Bastille's Fleshstone, "tricking" the power by pretending to want to destroy someone he cares about. The enormous load of power leaves him, going through the Lens and into the Fleshstone. Alcatraz is completely spent and collapses.
{{anchor|Chapter infinity + 1}}
== Chapter ∞ + 1 ==
Alcatraz awakes and asks his Grandpa what happened. All the Librarian weapons broke when the Breaking Talent was bestowed to the Knights through Bastille's Fleshstone. The Librarians have retreated and Alcatraz is a national hero. Grandpa asks when the Talents will come back; apparently, Alcatraz also broke the Smedry Talents. He feels nothing when he tries to break his bed frame. He doesn't know what he's done.
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