Diferencia entre revisiones de «Obras sin publicar»

sin resumen de edición
m (Dark Talent spoilers)
:; Mistborn Era 3 trilogy: The second in the planned set of three trilogies. Takes place in an urban setting with a 1980's technology level. To be written between Stormlight 5 and Stormlight 6.{{ref|name=ramble}}{{ref|name=sots14}}
:; Mistborn Era 4 trilogy: Space Opera{{qa ref|632|2}}
; [[White Sand]] graphic novels
; [[Dark One]]: cosmere YA. Will likely be written after Reckoners and Rithmatist are finished.{{ref|name=sots14}}
;: [[Nightblood]]:A Sequelset toof [[Warbreaker]]three graphic novels based on Brandon's seventh novel.{{ref|name=sots}} Might be written after the [[Elantris trilogy|Elantris sequels]].{{ref|name=sots14}} Set on [[Taldain]].
; [[The Apocalypse Guard]] 1-3: A follow-up of ''The Reckoners'' for Random House. Features a team that goes to alternate universes to prevent world-ending events.{{citeref|name=ag}} Book 1 is scheduled to be written between Stormlight 3 and 4.{{ref|name=sots15}}
; Alcatraz Book 6: Sequel to [[The Dark Talent]] to be "written" by Bastille as Alcatraz refuses to continue writing.{{cite|Bastille's letter}}
; [[The Rithmatist]] series
: [[The Aztlanian]] (Rithmatist 2){{ref|name=sots}}{{ref|name=sots14}}
: [[The Nebraskian]] (Rithmatist 3){{cite| December 2015 Orem signing}}
; [[The Worldspire|<s>Alcatraz</s> Bastille versus the Evil Librarians: The Worldspire]]
; Alcatraz Book 6: Sequel to [[The Dark Talent]] to be "written" by Bastille as Alcatraz refuses to continue writing.{{citeref|Bastille's lettername=alcatraz6}}
; [[Dark One]]: YA Cosmere novel about the person who, instead of being the one destined to save the world, is the one destined to destroy it.{{ref|name=sots14}} At the earliest it will be written after ''The Apocalypse Guard'' trilogy, Alcatraz 6, and ''The Aztlanian'' are all completed.{{ref|name=do-update}}
; [[Dragonsteel]]
: A series of 3 or 5 books that will only be written after Stormlight Archive is completed.{{17s ref|post|199548}}{{ref|name=ramble}}{{ref|name=sots14}}
:; [[The Liar of Partinel]]/[[The Lightweaver of Rens]]: [[Hoid]]'s origin story.{{ref|name=sots}}{{ref|name=longwind}} Not part of main Dragonsteel sequence.{{twg ref|6655|129402|Brandon's answer to Peter|date=2008-10-20}} Abandoned and may or may not be rewritten in this form.{{qa ref|995|2}}
; [[White Sand]] graphic novels
: A set of three graphic novels based on Brandon's seventh novel.{{ref|name=sots}}{{ref|name=sots14}} Set on [[Taldain]].
; [[Elantris trilogy]] 2-3
: Takes place ten years later with an all new cast.{{qa ref|763|5|Will we be seeing any more worlds for the Cosmere?|date=2010-9-21}} Need to be written before the second, Modern, Mistborn trilogy. At the latest they will be written after Stormlight 5.{{ref|name=sots14}}
:; [[Elantris sequel]]: Follows [[Kaise]], [[Daorn]], and [[Adien]] as ambassadors to [[Fjorden]].{{qa ref|689|6}}{{ref|name=sots}}
:; [[Elantris finale]]
; [[Nightblood]]: Sequel to [[Warbreaker]].{{ref|name=sots}} Might be written after the [[Elantris trilogy|Elantris sequels]].{{ref|name=sots14}}
; [[The Rithmatist]] series
: [[The Aztlanian]] (Rithmatist 2){{ref|name=sots}}{{ref|name=sots14}}
: [[The Nebraskian]] (Rithmatist 3){{cite| December 2015 Orem signing}}
: Steelheart novellas 2, 3:{{ref|name=steel-suvudu}}
; [[The Silence Divine]]: A novella set on a planet in the [[Greater Roshar]] system, where diseases grant magical abilities.{{ref|name=sots}} Will be renamed.{{ref|name=sots14}}
; [[Skyward]]: YA cosmereCosmere novel. {{ref|name=sots}}
; [[Adamant]]: was ''The Lurker'', will be tinkered with during SA3{{ref|name=sots14}}
; [[Legion 3]]: A sequel to Legion 2, no plans or outlines have been made yet{{ref|name=sots14}} Will be the final Legion novella.{{ref|name=sots15}}
; [[The Apocalypse Guard]] 1-3: A follow-up of ''The Reckoners'' for Random House. Features a team that goes to alternate universes to prevent world-ending events.{{cite}} Book 1 is scheduled to be written between Stormlight 3 and 4.{{ref|name=sots15}}
; [[Death By Pizza]]
: A novel featuring a necromancer pizza deliveryman.{{ref|name=sots}} On hiatus.{{ref|name=sots15}}
{{bws ref|name=sots14 |state-of-the-sanderson-december-2014|State of the Sanderson: December 2014|date= Dec 18th, 2014}}
{{bws ref|name=sots15 |state-of-the-sanderson-2015|State of the Sanderson 2015|date= Dec 18th, 2015}}
{{bws ref|name=ag |the-apocalypse-guard|Brandon's ''The Apocalypse Guard'' announcement|date=Mar 3rd, 2016}}
{{bws ref|name=alcatraz6 |alcatraz-the-big-reveal|Brandon's official reveal of Alcatraz 6|date=Oct 5th, 2016}}
{{qa ref|632|2|There will be more Wax and Wayne books|date=2011-11-11}}
{{qa ref|846|5|YA humor other than Alatraz?|date=2012-07-09}}
{{qa ref|995|2|May rewrite Liar as a first-person narrative| date=2013-05-14}}
{{reddit ref|name=do-update |Stormlight_Archive|51u8qu|d8y874g|text=Brandon comments on the timing of ''Dark One''.|date=Oct 18th, 2016}}
{{tor ref|name=WoR|the-title-for-brandon-sandersons-second-stormlight-archive-book-has-been-revealed|''Words of Radiance'' release announcement|date=2013-02-28}}
{{twg ref|6655|129376|Old Bibliography|date= Oct 20th, 2008}}
{{url ref|name=steel-suvudu|url=http://suvudu.com/2012/06/new-ya-series-on-the-way-from-brandon-sanderson.html|text=''Steelheart'' press release
Synod, Editors, Keepers
