Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Las Lentes Fragmentadas»

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==Chapter No!==
Mallo explains that he sent his daughter in his stead, disguised as him using Disguiser's Lenses. The royal lineage is preserved that way, and he can remain behind and fight, as is his right. He was about to surrender to the Librarians just as Alcatraz arrived because the Shielder's Glass is about to give out. Alcatraz promises to get more help and urges the king to hold out a little longer. Angola agrees that if there is a small chance to preserve the people, they should try. Mallo promises to consider the offer after Alcatraz uses the Communicator's Glass.
While they wait for the glass to arrive, Bastille and Alcatraz argue about whether they should encourage them to keep fighting. Then Alcatraz blurts out an invitation for a date in Hushlands vernacular that just confuses her, much to his relief. They bring in the Communicator's Glass, which is a half piece of glass in a hand mirror. The other half is in Nalhalla. The Librarians have destroyed most of the other glass technology in the city. Alcatraz touches the glass to activate it, and Grandpa answers. Some Knights appear and are convinced that Alcatraz is indeed in Tuki Tuki, but they are still hesitant to go there, feeling manipulated. On an impulse, Alcatraz rotates the mirror toward Mallo, giving him away. Suddenly, the glass stops working, and a messenger reports that the Librarian army is up to something.
==Chapter 1010==