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== Gavilar and the Parshendi ==
In approximately 1165 Gavilar and Dalinar made an expedition to the south of the Shattered Plains where they found a group of "parshmen" living on their own. First they couldn't believe, but these parshmen were friendly, curious and learned the Alethi language quite easily. Gavilar's stormwardens began calling them "Parshendi." Though Gavilar never had been the 'scholarly type,' and for a reason that has not yet been discovered, he grew more and more fascinated by the Parshendi. Despite Dalinar's attempts to return to Aletkhar, Gavilar wanted to stay on the Shattered Plains to learn more about the Parshendi. Also they told Gavilar to lead him on the hunt for a great-shelled beast that had gemhearts.{{book ref|sa1|45}} It's also yet unknown why Gavilar made that treaty with the Parshendi and what caused the Parshendi to order Gavilar's assassination in that very night of the treaty signing although quotes from Eshonai and Amaram hint to the fact that he was a member of the Sons of Honor and attempting to bring back the Voidbringers (to whom the Parshendi are related), thus bringing back the Heralds and restoring the dominance of the Church.
== Literature ==
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