Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shallan Davar»

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Hailing from a mid-level noble house in Jah Keved, Shallan lives a sheltered life on her father's estate until the age of seventeen, when she leaves to seek an apprenticeship under Princess [[Jasnah Kholin]] as a scholar. While as an apprentice to Jasnah Kholin, she becomes the causal betrothed of Jasnah's cousin, Prince [[Adolin Kholin]]. She also learns of and shares in Jasnah's quest to stop the mysterious and calamitous [[Voidbringers]].
Ever since childhood, Shallan has shared a bond with the [[Cryptic]] [[Pattern]]., Thisallowing bond allows Shallanher to manifest Pattern as a [[Shardblade]],. aYears skilllater, shethis hasbond possessedalso everallows since she was a child, andher to access her powers as a [[Surgebinder]]. Eventually, during the [[Battle of Narak]], thisher bond with Pattern allows her to become one of the first two new members of the Knights Radiant in centuries, along with [[Kaladin]]. Their public revelation serves as the catalyst for the re-founding of the Knights Radiant.
== Appearance and Personality ==
=== Memory ===
Shallan had the ability to deliberately memorize a scene (usually involving blinking) after which she could paint or draw that scene with remarkable accuracy. She had a passion for learning and a great talent for drawing. She was never without her sketchbooks and charcoal, so she might draw whatever caught her interest. Shallan frequently drew and made notes on the world around her, in order to promote her [[Calling]] of natural history.{{book ref|sa1|5}} Shallan's ability to memorize scenes and reproduce them accurately seems similar to the ability of a [[Terris]] [[Keeper]] to store memories in a coppermind, in that both talents involve the removal of a memory from the mind and its replacement in another medium - in Shallan's case, a sketch rather than a coppermind.
== Relationships ==
=== Pattern ===
[[Pattern]] is Shallan's steadfast companion, and perhaps her only friend since childhood, although she herself does not know this for many years. Shallan and Pattern have shared a bond ever since Shallan was a young child. When Shallan's mother attempts to kill her, Pattern manifests himself as a Shardblade, allowing Shallan to defend herself. However, Shallan represses this memory and doesn't remember this incident or Pattern until years later.
Eventually, Shallan comes to meet Pattern again, who initially is unable to talk and has a weak connection to the physical world. As their bond grows, and as Shallan speaks more Truths to Pattern, Pattern grows in intelligence and his ability to affect the world.
=== Jasnah Kholin ===
[[Jasnah Kholin]] is Shallan's tutor. Initially reluctant to take on Shallan as a ward, she eventually gives in after Shallan's persistence. Although Shallan becomes Jasnah's ward initially as a ruse in order to steal Jasnah's [[soulcaster]], Shallan eventually comes to love learning from Jasnah and comes to respects her greatly.
During her time with Jasnah, her [[Surgebinding]] abilities manifest. Jasnah, who herself has Surgebinding abilities and is a nascent member of the Knights Radiant, helps Shallan to discover her powers. Recognizing her potential, Jasnah also arranges a causal betrothal for Shallan to her cousin, [[Adolin Kholin]].
=== Kaladin ===
Shallan and [[Kaladin]] are the first two fully realized [[Knights Radiant]] in centuries. Shallan and Kaladin initially have a strained relationship. During their first meeting, Shallan is forced by [[Tyn]] to lie to Kaladin, leading to her humiliating Kaladin and taking his new boots. During their later meetings, Shallan believes that she is being treated unfairly by Kaladin, who is holding a grudge against her for events beyond her control. This clash of personalities is reflected in their respective spren, as the [[Cryptic]]s and [[honorspren]] (to which Kaladin's spren [[Syl]] belongs) are involved in a complex spren conflict.
Later, when Shallan and Kaladin are both stranded in the chasms of the [[Shattered Plains]], they grow to respect and admire one another. They reveal some of their personal history and secrets to each other, including the fact that Shallan has a Shardblade. Due to this time, they both suspect each other of being a Knight Radiant.
=== Adolin Kholin ===
[[Adolin Kholin]] is currently causally betrothed to Shallan. They meet on the [[Shattered Plains]] and Shallan is smitten by his looks.
== Trivia ==
