Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario discusión:Fbstj»

:Cool then spren info is obsolete. As for the character template I can not remember/find what page I was using to edit the other day but i double checked and it does add the Rosharan category. I think maybe that page was telling me that that it does not have an ethnicity or nationality tag. Ya Looking at that template didn't help me understand it every much I'm sure now it was just me not understanding what you guys already did. [[User:Arook|Arook]] ([[User talk:Arook|talk]]) 12:06, 19 June 2015 (MDT) arook
ok I found that page again and it was the ethnicity or nationality tag it was taking about so that my me not understanding. If you give a character an world tag of Shadesmar what categories would that put it in? Would ethnicity (i.e. Cryptic)be the best place for the Splinter category to be attached to? Would Nationality (i.e. Spren)be the best place for the Spren category to be attached to? [[User:Arook|Arook]] ([[User talk:Arook|talk]]) 14:16, 20 June 2015 (MDT) arook
