Diferencia entre revisiones de «Auténtica Desolación»

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== Lore ==
Mankind fearedfears the [[Desolation]]s, though the [[Last Desolation]] happened 4,500 years ago and very little knowledge about these events hadhas survived.
== Dalinar's visions ==
In [[Dalinar]]'s [[Dalinar's visions|visions]], he wasis warned of its coming.
{{quote|Unite them. The sun approaches the horizon. The Everstorm comes. The True Desolation. The Night of Sorrows.|[[Honor]] during one of Dalinar's visions{{book ref|twok|74}}}}
== Kaladin's ride on the storm ==
When [[Kaladin]] roderides the storm, a voice toldtells him that the Oathpact wasis broken and [[Odium]] comes.{{book ref|twok|46}}
== Epigraph ==
The True Desolation wasis mentioned in the Epigraph to Chapter 5 in The Way of Kings.
{{quote|I have seen the end, and have heard it named. The Night of Sorrows, the True Desolation. The Everstorm.|Collected on the 1st of Palahes, 1172, 15 seconds pre-death. Subject was a darkeyed youth of unknown origin.{{epigraph ref|sa1|5}}}}
== Talenel'Elin ==
[[Talenel]] wasis the only [[Herald]] that dieddies during the Last Desolation, and wasis thus forced to go back to [[Damnation]]. The other nine Heralds thoughtthink him enough to uphold the Oathpact and thus end the cycle of Desolations.
He appearedappears in [[Kholinar]] and claimedclaims that he hadhas failed to uphold the [[Oathpact]].
He then fellfalls to the ground, unconscious.{{book ref|twok|epilogue}}
{{quote|Who am I? I ... I am Talenel'Elin, Stonesinew, Herald of the Almighty. The Desolation has come. Oh, God ... it has come. And I have failed.|Talenel's reappearance{{book ref|twok|epilogue}}}}
== Everstorm ==
The Everstorm is similar to [[Highstorm]]s, but havehas an opposite rotation and other possible differences. TheyIt appearappears to be referenced as being the same thing as the True Desolation by the [[Stormfather]] in [[Dalinar]]'s visions, but it is possible the Everstorm is only a part of the True Desolation.
== Notes ==
