Diferencia entre revisiones de «Obras sin publicar»

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::; [[Bands of Mourning]]{{ref|name=sots14}}
::; [[The Lost Metal]]{{ref|name=sots14}}
:; 1940's Mistborn: Potentially more short adventures set before the second trilogy.{{ref|name=sots14}}
:; Second Mistborn trilogy: The second in a planned set of three trilogies. Takes place in an urban setting with a 1980's technology level. Aiming to be released between the two [[Stormlight Archive]] arcs.{{ref|name=ramble}}{{ref|name=sots14}}
:; Third Mistborn trilogy: Set in space{{qa ref|632|2}}
; [[Dark One]]: cosmere YA,. Will be written after Reckoners and Rithmatist are finished.{{ref|name=sots14}}
; [[Nightblood]]: Sequel to [[Warbreaker]].{{ref|name=sots}} MaybeMight be written after the [[Elantris trilogy|Elantris sequels]].{{ref|name=sots14}}
; [[Alcatraz finale]]: Fifth and final book in [[Alcatraz]] series.{{qa ref|836|35}}{{ref|name=sots}} Summer 2016{{ref|name=sots14}}
; [[Dragonsteel]] (3 or 5 books){{17s ref|20385|post|199548}}
: (only after Stormlight Archive is done){{ref|name=ramble}}{{ref|name=sots14}}
:; Dragonsteel The Lightweaver of Rens:{{cite}}
:; [[The Liar of Partinel]] 1, 2: [[Hoid]] origin story.{{ref|name=sots}}{{ref|name=longwind}}
; [[White Sand]] trilogy: totally beachin - going to be a graphic novel{{ref|name=sots}}{{ref|name=sots14}}
; [[Elantris sequel]]{{qa ref|689|6}}{{ref|name=sots}}: publish prior to the second Mistborn trilogy{{ref|name=sots14}}
: Steelheart novellas 2, 3:{{ref|name=steel-suvudu}}
; [[The King's Necromancer]]{{ref|name=ramble}}:
; [[The Liar of Partinel]] 1, 2: [[Hoid]] origin story{{ref|name=sots}}{{ref|name=longwind}}
; [[The Silence Divine]]: On planet in [[Roshar]] system, with ill people getting powers.{{ref|name=sots}} Will be renamed.{{ref|name=sots14}}
; [[Death By Pizza]]: book with necromancer pizza deliveryman{{ref|name=sots}}