Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dalinar Kholin»

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'''Dalinar Kholin''' is a character from the series ''[[The Stormlight Archive]]''. Dalinar is a Highprince of [[Alethkar]]. He is father to [[Adolin]] and [[Renarin]], uncle to King [[Elhokar]] and [[Jasnah]], brother to late King [[Gavilar]], and courting [[Navani]].
Family and Relationships
He is King Gavilar 's younger brother and has two sons. Adolin (23) and Renarin (21). Although he was married, it is revealed that after seeking the Old Magic, he was cursed to lose all recollection of his wife. This is a persisting curse, rather than a simple erasure of memories; when others mention her name in conversation, he immediately forgets it. The Boon he received from the Old Magic is currently unknown.
During his youth he was extremely attracted to Navani and intended to court her. However, upon introducing her to Gavilar, his brother began courting her instead which resulted in him suppressing his feelings for her. Throughout her marriage and after her husband's death, Navani apparently always loved Dalinar despite having initially chosen to marry Gavilar. She states her reason for doing so was because of Dalinar's "intensity". After Navani makes several obvious passes at him, Dalinar finally relents and kisses her, confessing his love. After overcoming his guilt and the impropriety of the situation, he eventually acknowledges their relationship to both Adolin, Renarin, and his nephew and her son, King Elhokar . It was hinted by Brandon Sanderson that during the initial draft of the novel, Dalinar and Navani were actually wed.
Shardplate and Shardblade
Unlike most Sharbearers, Dalinar choses to wear his Plate plain, without any decorations or paint. After Sadeas' betrayal, he relinquishes his sword, Oathbringer to Sadeas in exchange for the lives of the bridgemen. He then states he will also give his Shardplate to his youngest son, Renarin.
Visions and Powers
Although an expert swordsman and fierce warlord, Dalinar does not seem to have any additional power like Kaladin or Shallan. Throughout The Way Of Kings, however, he is plagued by strange visions. These visions affect him solely during highstorms. Initially, he considers them prophecies from the Almighty. However, after Adolin vocally puts his sanity in doubt, he begins to consider himself deluded and thus incapable of ruling House Kholinar. When Navani realizes his garbled mumbling is in fact a translated line from an ancient poem no one had previously understood, it is proven his visions were indeed somewhat prophetic. He then accepts he is not "getting old" and realizes he mustn't abdicate the position of Highprince yet.
Although not all his visions are explained in detail, it is stated that he has experienced over a dozen of them by the time the first novel ends. These visions often take him to scenes in the past where he embodies a person of the time and controls their body, freely interacting with others in the vision.
During the first vision shown in the book, approximately his tenth total, he is transported to a small cottage where a young girl and woman are being attacked by black monsters. After fighting them off and fleeing with the woman and child, they are once again attacked by these monsters only to be saved by, what he later discovers, are the legendary Knights Radiant. He is very shocked to discover one of the Radiants is a woman, as he has never heard of a female shardbearer.
In the second he is transported to Feverstone Keep (so named for the red stones that make up the walls) during a time of war. Possessing the body of a young guard, he is the first to spot an oncoming army of roughly 300 Radiants, who approach the keep wall only to stop, summon their Shardblades, then thrust them into the ground and walk away, abandoning their calling and duty. As Dalinar attempts to question several of the Radiants with little result, the soldiers in the keep surge out, attempting to claim the Shardblades for themselves. Chaos erupts as they begin to cut each other down, each soldier attempting to secure a weapon. Eventually one of the Radiants responds to Dalinar's questioning, but provides only vague answers which confuse Dalinar further. The highstorm ends and Dalinar awakes from his vision
During the third of his visions to be shown in the book he embodies King Nohadon's advisor right after a desolation has taken place. Although he initially does not realize to whom he is speaking, he eventually realizes the man before him is the author of the book he eventually knows as The Way of Kings. When the king asks for his advice on how to deal with the current tragedy, Dalinar advices him to write a book about his experiences and opinions, to which the king laughs it off as a ridiculous idea. Later, Dalinar realizes the king was too young and needed to experience more before being able to write the book which would later guide his life and Gavilar's, and also that it was the wrong time for him to write a book, for one could not lead by example when the people had little honour or discipline.
In his fourth and final vision in The Way of Kings, he appears before the destroyed city of Kholinar where he meets one who names himself the Almighty. Standing upon a rock spire and looking at the void below, the Almighty reveals that he is dead and that Odium has killed him and plans to destory everything. Dalinar realizes that the Almighty never could hear him and he had been misinterpreting what he had been hearing all along. He is also in a way commissioned to prepare the people to face Odium.