Diferencia entre revisiones de «Adolin Kholin»

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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Adolin Kholin''' wasis a [[lighteyes]] from [[Alethkar]] on [[Roshar]].
== Family ==
Adolin wasis the first son of [[Dalinar]],{{ref|b|twok|c|12}} and his younger brother wasis [[Renarin]]. {{ref|b|twok|c|18}} There wasis near to nothing known about his [[Brightness Kholin|mother]]. [[Gavilar]] has beenis his uncle, Dalinar's brother. [[Navani]], Gavilar's widow, wasis his aunt, and he calledcalls her ''Mashala''.{{ref|b|twok|c|60}} Gavilar's children, [[Jasnah]] and King [[Elhokar]], wereare his cousins.
== Appearance and Character ==
His hair wasis mostly blond, with streaks of Alethi black, and his eyes wereare blue.{{ref|b|twok|c|15}} Despite the blond hair color he and Renarin share, they wereare Dalinar's legitimate sons.{{ref|17s|4254|66703|text=Are Renarin and Adolin Dalinar's legitimate children?}}
Though he likedlikes chattingconversation, courting different young women, and duelling, he tooktakes his responsibilities as the eldest son of a highprince earnestseriously and wasis on the way to becomebecoming a good highprince himself.{{ref|b|sa1|c|28}}
== Abilities ==
He wasis a [[Shardbearer]], owning both a [[Shardblade]] and a [[Shardplate]], which he had inherited from his mother's side of the family on his 16th birthday.{{ref|b|sa1|c|12}}
He hadhas a white stallion, a [[Ryshadium]] horse named [[Sureblood]],{{ref|b|twok|c|26}} one of only a dozen Ryshadium in theall entirethe Alethi warcampwarcamps on the [[Shattered Plains]].
== Calling ==
AdolinsAdolin's [[Calling]] wasis duelling and he frequently resortedresorts to challenging other lighteyes to settle disputes. Since arriving at the [[Shattered Plains]] he hadhas been unable to duel as much as he had previously due to his fathersfather's insistence that he follow the [[Alethi Codes of War]] which state that needless duels should be avoided during times of war so that commanding officers are not wounded.{{ref|b|twok|c|18}}
== Notes ==