Diferencia entre revisiones de «Jasnah Kholin»

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(updated with new information)
Jasnah Kholin was born in {{date|1139|EoS}} to Gavilar and Navani Kholin. Her brother, Elhokar, was born eight years later in {{date|1147|EoS}}.{{ref|b|sa1|c|12}} She became a princess of Alethkar when Gavilar united the [[highprince]]s and became the king in {{date|1163|EoS}}.
She wrote Gavilar's account of his first meeting the [[Parshendi]] in {{date|1166|EoS}}.{{ref|b|sa1|c|36}} She didn't know what to think of the changes in Gavilar around these times,{{ref|b|sa1|c|15}} but for the first time in her life she felt connected to her father.{{ref|b|sa1|c|45}} She was fascinatedvery byinterested the Parshendi, started studying them. She tried to convince Gavilar that quiet manipulation ofin the Parshendi would be more profitable to Alethkar than conquering them, though her main reason for this was the wish to keep the Parshendi culture whole so she could study it. She attended the feast that was held inand the [[Kholinar]]Shattered Palace after the treaty with the Parshendi was signed in {{date|1167|EoS}}. There, she met with an assassin named [[LissPlains]] in the bowels of the palace, and hired herwanted to spy on Elhokar'sstudy wifeboth. She noticed her shadow behaving strangely, though at first, she attributed it to stress. While getting back tosuspected the party, the music coming from above stopped, leading Jasnah to wonder if the party was over. She ran into two ambassadors from the west, and was deeply scared by the one with a silver birthmark on his cheek.{{ref|b|sa2|prologue}} Gavilar was assassinated by the [[Szeth-son-son-Vallano|Assassinruins in White]] on behalf of the Parshendi,Shattered which ledPlains to thebe [[Vengeanceextremely Pact]]important and the [[War of Reckoning]].{{ref|b|sa1|prologue}} They found a note to Dalinar near Gavilar's corpse, sayingsomething that Dalinar must find the mostscholars importanthad [[Immortalbeen Words|words]]looking afor man could say, that she discovered wasfor a quotelong from ''[[Way of Kings|The Way of Kings]]'' by [[Nohadon]]time.{{ref|b|sa1sa2|c|15prologue}}
=== Parshendi Betrayal ===
After the death of her father, she started drawing parallels between the Parshendi and the [[Voidbringers]].{{ref|b|sa1|c|74}} Eventually, she discovered her [[Surgebinding]] abilities, and started carrying a fake [[Soulcaster]] [[fabrial]] to disguise she was a [[Surgebinder]].{{ref|b|sa1|c|72}} At some point, she made her way to the warcamps in the [[Shattered Plains]], but eventually her studies took her elsewhere.{{ref|b|sa1|c|18}} She left behind her books, and asked Dalinar that they be cared for.{{ref|b|sa1|c|60}}
She attended the feast that was held in the [[Kholinar]] Palace after the treaty with the Parshendi was signed in {{date|1167|EoS}}. While walking to a meeting with an assassin named [[Liss]] with the intention of having Elhokar's wife, [[Aesudan Kholin|Aesudan]], killed, she noticed her [[Spren|shadow]] behaving oddly which discomfited her. She walked past Highprince [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]] and a [[Shinovar|Shin]] [[Szeth-son-son-Vallano|servant in white clothing]], and subsequently came across her father and [[Meridas Amaram]] having a quiet conference. Once Amaram left, Jasnah asked Gavilar what he commanded Amaram, but Gavilar deflected the question and hastily left Jasnah, leading her to wonder if he knew about her plans regarding Aesudan. Walking onwards, Jasnah's shadow again acted oddly, and this time, formed into a man-shaped oily blackness with an unsheathed sword. In panic, Jasnah went into [[Shadesmar]] for the first time, and there the shadowy figure sheathed its sword in satisfaction, and Jasnah fell into the sea of glass beads. Before being drowned, she managed to find the glass bead corresponding to the Kholinar Palace, and using that as her guide, willed herself to rise to the surface. She stood upon a platform made of glass beads locked together. From the beads, she formed the corridor she stood in the [[Physical Realm]], and when the shadowy figure stepped onto her platform with its sword drawn, she formed a statue of [[Talenel|Talenelat'Elin]] from the beads. She confronted the figure, and it saluted her by raising two fingers to its head and bowing. After this, Jasnah returned to where she was in the Physical Realm, to find the spheres lining the walls of the hallway without [[Stormlight]].{{ref|b|sa2|prologue}}
She managed to compose herself, and hurried to her appointment with Liss. Once there, she decided not to go through with assassinating Aesudan, and instead ordered Liss to take a job as one of Aesudan's maids, and watch her only. Once the meeting was concluded, Jasnah asked about the servant Liss wanted to show off, but Liss answered that she had sold Shin servant to a slaver weeks ago for being too good a servant. Hearing that the servant was Shin, Jasnah recalled the servant in white clothing she'd seen earlier, and decided to check into him.{{ref|b|sa2|prologue}}
While getting back to the party, the music coming from above stopped, leading Jasnah to wonder if the party was over. She ran into two ambassadors from the west, and was made uncomfortable by the one with a silver birthmark on his cheek. Abruptly, screams replaced where the beat of drums had sounded, and Jasnah immediately ran toward them fearing for her family's safety. The sounds led to her father's chambers, and the way was littered with corpses with burned eyes and the walls marked by [[Shardblade]] cuts. She eventually reached a balcony and saw her father in his [[Shardplate]], called to him and made him hesitate. The balcony broke beneath Gavilar, and Jasnah saw the servant she'd seen before fall down with her father. The Shin man somehow changed direction in the air, and fell onto the wall, completely ignoring gravity. While crying to herself, Jasnah was approached by three Parshendi, [[Klade]], [[Gangnah]] and [[Varnali]]. They took responsibility for the assassination, and told Jasnah they were sorry for her loss but that Gavilar was about to do something very dangerous and had to be stopped. Sadeas stumbled in, saw what happened, and ran toward Gavilar's corpse with his guards.{{ref|b|sa2|prologue}} They found a note to Dalinar near Gavilar's corpse, saying that Dalinar must find the most important [[Immortal Words|words]] a man could say, that she discovered was a quote from ''[[Way of Kings|The Way of Kings]]'' by [[Nohadon]].{{ref|b|sa1|c|15}}
Hours later, they discovered that the assassination and the surrender of the three covered the escape of the rest of the Parshendi in the palace. Dalinar sent a hundred cavalry after them, but they were killed to the last man and horse. The three Parshendi didn't say anything more, and were all hanged. Jasnah interrogated the surviving King's guards and Liss about the Assassin in White, but got almost nothing. Next, she started looking through the books to explain what she had seen that night.{{ref|b|sa2|prologue}}
=== Voidbringer Research ===
After the death of her father, she started drawing parallels between the Parshendi and the [[Voidbringers]].{{ref|b|sa1|c|74}} Eventually, she discovered her [[Surgebinding]] abilities, and started carrying a fake [[Soulcaster]] [[fabrial]] to disguise she was a [[Surgebinder]].{{ref|b|sa1|c|72}} At some point, she made her way to the warcamps in the [[Shattered Plains]], but eventually her studies took her elsewhere.{{ref|b|sa1|c|18}} She left behind her books, and asked Dalinar that they be cared for.{{ref|b|sa1|c|60}}
In {{date|1172|EoS}}, she received a letter from [[Shallan Davar]], asking for wardship. She replied Shallan to meet her in [[Dumadari]] in two weeks time, though she didn't really expect her to make it. She spent the next six months traveling from town to town, leaving notes for Shallan when she left so the young woman could follow her. She eventually reached [[Kharbranth]] in {{date|1173|EoS}}.{{ref|b|sa1|c|3}}
=== KharbranthResearch in the Palanaeum ===
She found out King [[Taravangian]]'s granddaughter was trapped in one of the palace rooms after an highstorm caused a boulder to fall down from the walls, blocking the way in. Taravangian asked for Jasnah's help, to free his granddaughter by [[Soulcasting]] the stone. Jasnah accepted to help, in return for free admittance to the [[Palanaeum]]. Shallan Davar, a prospective ward, caught up with her at this point and Jasnah evaluated Shallan's knowledge. Once they reached the boulder that had trapped the king's granddaughter, Jasnah Soulcast the stone into smoke, causing the newly formed smoke to explode because of the difference in density of rock and smoke. After this, she informed Shallan that she wasn't good enough to become her ward. Jasnah left Shallan behind and went to the Palanaeum.{{ref|b|sa1|c|5}} After she collected the books she wanted, she returned to the alcove she'd reserved, and found Shallan there. She was angry to be defied, and told Shallan, not in a kind way, to leave her alone. Shallan, in her embarrassment and disappointment, forgot the [[spheres]] she had used for illumination inside the alcove. Jasnah asked her to return and apologized her for her rudeness. She found out that Shallan was self-taught and found it remarkable, promising if she filled the gaps in her knowledge, she would accept her as her ward. A few hours later, the servants informed her that Shallan was back and that she had her own alcove, intent on studying while in Kharbranth and applying for wardship again. Jasnah decided that if she could not get rid of Shallan, she might as well make use of her and accepted her as her ward.{{ref|b|sa1|c|8}}
Despite what she was told, Shallan came to Jasnah's alcove and claimed that the Soulcaster Jasnah wore was a fake and she could Soulcast without a fabrial. Jasnah initially tried to deny this, but she was shocked to see Shallan reveal a depiction of [[Shadesmar]]. Shallan told Jasnah that she'd stolen the Soulcaster fabrial on the night when Jasnah killed the four footpads and that she could Surgebind as well. When Jasnah didn't believe her, Shallan entered, with a dim sphere, Shadesmar to prove her claim. Jasnah followed her, and brought her back, admonishing her for being an idiot in trying to enter Shadesmar with only a dim sphere. Shallan asked Jasnah to teach her and that she wanted to be a part of Jasnah's studies. Jasnah was reluctant at first, but eventually accepted her, with the promise that she would never lie to Jasnah or steal from anyone ever again.{{ref|b|sa1|c|70}} She went on to telling Shallan about Surgebinding, Knights Radiant and her theory about the Parshendi and the Voidbringers. When Shallan told her that she saw [[cryptic]]s, Jasnah said there were two orders of the Knights Radiants with the ability to Soulcast, and that the two women belonged to different orders. Jasnah showed Shallan her notes regarding the Voidbringers,{{ref|b|sa1|c|72}} and Shallan came to the conclusion the Parshendi were Voidbringers like Jasnah. Jasnah was pleased to convince at least one person. She said that they needed more information but had exhausted all that Kharbranth had to offer, and that they would leave for the Shattered Plains the next day. She said there were others after this information, and that the [[Ghostbloods]] were one of them. She showed Shallan the symbol of the Ghostbloods that she had found tattooed on Kabsal. Shallan was horrified to recognize the symbol, and said that her father might have had been a member of this group.{{ref|b|sa1|c|74}}
=== Return to the Shattered Plains ===
Jasnah hired Captain [[Tozbek]] and the ''[[Wind's Pleasure]]'' for their journey to the Shattered Plains. She also sent a message to her mother to ask whether Shallan's Soulcaster could be fixed and so that Navani could arrange a marriage between [[Adolin Kholin|Adolin]] and Shallan, although she initially didn't tell Shallan about any of this. Navani answered positively on both counts, but said that Dalinar wanted the two to meet before agreeing to a marriage.{{ref|b|sa2|c|1}}<!-- Need to expand this -->
== Attributes and Abilities ==
=== Surgebinding ===
Jasnah has a Nahel bond with an unknown [[spren]] which gives her the ability to Surgebind. She has access to the [[Surge]]s of transformation and transportation.{{ref|b|sa1|c|72}} As with all Surgebinders, she has superhuman speed, strength and healing when she holds [[Stormlight]]. She has demonstrated her ability to Soulcast multiple times, though her other abilities remain yet to be seen. She is in the process of becoming a [[Knights Radiant|Knight Radiant]] from the [[Order of Elsecallers]].
==== Soulcasting ====