Diferencia entre revisiones de «Elantris (libro)/glosario»

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;[[Aberteen]]: (F) A type of flower favored in Fjordell and northern Arelon.
; [[Adolis]]: A form of tea{{ref|b|e|c|25}}
;[[Lake Alonoe]]: (A) A lake in the very center of Arelon. One of the largest lakes on the continent.
;[[Aon]]: (A) Name for an ancient Aonic rune. The Aons formed a logographic alphabet used in Arelon and Teod until the development of a phonetic alphabet.
;[[Chamrav]]: A famous artisan in the [[Rose Empire]]{{ref|b|tes|day|12}}
; [[Crosswood]]: tree with flowers{{ref|b|e|c|32}}
;[[Dahad]]: (A) An Elantrian.
;[[DeHwo]]: (J) The original Jindoeese name for the man named Dereth in Fjordell. He was a student of Keseg, and originally founded the Derethi religion.
;[[Day of Empire]]: A day prophesied by the [[Wyrn]] where [[Jaddeth]] would return to [[Sel]]{{ref|b|Elantris|c|3}}
;DeluseDoo: (D) A word that loosely translates as 'angered for being insulted.'{{ref|b|e|c|16}}
;Dendo: (D) A common name for a Duladen commoner., alias used by [[Galladon]]{{ref|b|e|c|52}}
:# A [[Deo Plantation|plantation]] in northwestern Arelon.
:# The basic coin in Arelon.
;[[Shuden]]: (J) A young baron in Arelon. Though Shuden is racially Jindo, he is nationally Arelene, where he holds lands and a title. Both were given to his father by King Iadon in exchange for opening a caravan route from Jindo to Kae.
;[[Soine]]: (A) Youngest daughter of Duke Telrii. She died when she was very young, though it is rumored she was actually taken by the Shaod.
; [[Stonelark]]: A beach bird which digs holes in wet sand{{ref|b|Elantris|c|47}}
;[[Sourmelon]]: A delicious fruit that will only grow in the Duladen highlands.
;Sule: (D) Friend.
;Svordish: (S) A word for someone, or something, from Svorden.
;[[Svrakiss]]: (S) A Svordish concept integrated into the Derethi Religion. The Svrakiss are beings forbidden entrance to heaven. They are forced to wander the world, preying on the living. They are half-ghost, half-demon, in the Derethi religion, and are often used to represent all that is evil.
; [[Sweetsands]]: A form of perfume{{ref|b|Elantris|c|51}}
;[[Sycla]]: (F) The Fjordell word for the continent which includes every nation but Teod. (See also Opelon.)
;Syclan: (F) Of or relating to the continent of Sycla.
;Teois: (A) An adjective referring to Teod.
;[[Teoras]]: (A) A city just east of Teoin. It houses the Largest Korathi temple in Teod.
; [[Teoren]]: The name [[Raoden]] calls at [[Mareshe]] on his entry to [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]], it is a common [[Aonic]] name{{ref|b|Elantris|c|7}}
;[[Teorn]]: (A) Son of King Eventeo of Teod. Crown prince and brother of Sarene.
;[[Tooledoo]]: (D) A card game that originated in Duladel.
;[[Torena]]: (A) Daughter of Earl Ahan. She is slight of frame and somewhat quiet.
;[[Tore]]: (A) A very minor noble title in Arelon.{{disputed|not found in the book}}
; The [[Velding]]: somewhere in [[Svorden]] worth spying on{{ref|b|Elantris|c|17}}
;[[Waren]]: (A) A young noble in Arelon, known for his white hair and piety.
;Wulfden: (F) A common name for Fjordell Wyrns. Wulfden the First was the one who instigated Derethi as the state religion of Fjorden.
;[[Wyrn]]: (F) Title of the Fjordell emperor. It is also a religious title, indicating the highest priest in the Derethi religion. His official title is 'Regent of all Creation,' referring to his state of rulership until Jaddeth rises to build his Empire.
; Wyrnings: (F) The Fjordell[[Fjorden]] gold coin.currency{{ref|b|e|c|15}}{{ref|b|e|c|45}}
;[[Zigareth]]: (F) Name for the Fjordell palace in Widor, where Wyrn lives.