Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario discusión:Chaos2651»

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:Snote! I fear you've misinterpreted that deletion flag there. I do definitely appreciate the page and none of its content will be lost, I swear! :) I merely put that flag there so that we remembered, at some point, to move the content from there to the Kaladin page. We do not delete content--that would be dumb! Your hard work will not go away. But from the discussion on its talk page, I do feel it is better to move it to the Kaladin page. But please don't be offended :) We're not removing the content, it's just going to have a new home. -- [[User:Chaos2651|Chaos2651]] ([[User talk:Chaos2651|talk]]) 19:16, 22 May 2013 (UTC)
I think I jumped to an abrupt conclusion. I kept waiting for an answer to my last comment on the Kaladin's Judgement talk page, and then I noticed it flagged for deletion and my heart kinda sunk. I am trying to decide how best to handle it. I get that I made a mess of things when I made a summary page for events when there was already chapter summaries. I am just thinking of how I would want to read through information. I would like a streamlined "Kaladin's story" - "Insert bareboned facts in most comprehensible way possible here" "Dalinar's Story"- "Insert bareboned facts in most comprehensible way possible here" and so forth. I was trying to find out if I should make something like that, or not. I don't know if it would be anywhere near as useful or warranted as I imagine, or a complete waste of time. I will start combining the Kaladin character page with the information I put on the judgement page and if you all decide that info would be worthwhile in the format I'm suggesting I'll get started on a full on set of pages. I bring this up, not because I am smarter or more thorough or anything like that, but when I first read (listened to) the book. I knew I had missed a major part of the story because I had fallen asleep listening to it. Then came here to try to recoup that info without going back to reread the whole thing, or skip around in the dark to get to where I needed to pick up, and thought it would be be useful to have the summary I am talking about creating. In the long run I ended up relistening to the audiobook about at least a half dozen times to pick up all the parts I didn't get the first time and some parts more than that (the first time Kaladin speaks the second ideal for example).I get that I may be a very rare exception but also that it couldn't hurt to have it. Could it? -- [[User:Snote85]]
:Oops, I didn't see this new comment until now, Snote, sorry. In the meanwhile I, uhm, manufactured (is this the right word here?) your informations from Kal's Judgement into the Kaladin-article and the TWoK-Summary for chapter 46. But, as Joe pointed out already, no edit is "cut in stone" on the wiki. (Or should I say: "cut in steel"? :)).
:Generally I think that "summaries" should stay at the "summary"-articles and there should not be further "pure summaries" on other pages. Is this understandable? **[[User:Meg|Meg]] ([[User talk:Meg|talk]]) 21:20, 22 May 2013 (UTC)**
Thank you very much Sir and Fraulein, I like what has been done. I don't know why but I kept assuming it would be turned into a 20 word paragraph and all the time I spent reading and re-reading would be wasted (Well more so than how time is wasted editing a wikipedia on a fictional setting and trying to summarize conjecture). I appreciate your time and efforts in helping me. The bad news is that now I've been reading Warbreaker and will have to start editing that info now! (just kidding!) Also, I would say not manufactured but moved or transferred, maybe? (I'm just saying because you asked, and assume you want to know, not because I'm a grammar nazi.) I assume you mean no edit is permanent, but neither is it tossed away carelessly. Which is good to know. Thank you Joe and Meg, you two have been exceedingly nice to me. I appreciate your time. -- [[User:Snote85]]
: As a programmer, I would say something like refactored would do, but merged would also do --[[User:Fbstj|Joe ST]] ([[User talk:Fbstj|talk]]) 16:12, 6 June 2013 (UTC)
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