Diferencia entre revisiones de «Jeffrey Jeffrey»

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(Página creada con «{{character |ethnicity=Threnodite |'residence=Beacon |world=Canticle |universe=Cosmere |books=The Sunlit Man }} {{spoilers|tsm}} {{update|tsm}} '''Jeffrey Jeff…»)
== Appearance and Personality ==
Jeffery Jeffery is a burly man with a bushy black beard and brown eyes. Nomad comments that Jeffery Jeffery looks like a cousin of his, implying he could pass for [[Azir|Azish]].{{book ref|tsm|8}}
== History ==
Jeffrey Jeffery is part of the raiding party that steals the [[Scadrian]] authorization badge from the [[Cinder King]].{{book ref|tsm|8}} The group returns to Beacon and Jeffrey Jeffrey gives a report of the mission to the [[Greater Good]]. When [[Nomad]] reveals that he could operate the key to get into the [[Refuge]], Jeffrey Jeffrey thinks that getting to the Refuge is Beacon's only hope.{{book ref|tsm|11}}
After Beacon fails to find the Refuge, Jeffrey Jeffrey attends a conference with the leaders of Beacon to discuss casualties and come up with a new plan of action. Jeffery Jeffrey agrees to help Nomad get materials to modify the engines of Beacon for a vacuum.{{book ref|tsm|19}} When the system is set up, Jeffrey Jeffrey helps familiarize Nomad with the controls for the ascent up the mountain.{{book ref|tsm|29}} When Beacon crashes on the other side, Jeffrey Jeffrey is present at the meeting to survey the damage.{{book ref|tsm|32}}