Diferencia entre revisiones de «Batalla de Rocadiza»

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La batalla tuvo lugar antes de la [[guerraGuerra de la venganza]], probablemente durante el período en el que [[Gavilar]] envió a Dalinar a [[Herdaz]] y Jah Keved como muestra de la fuerza alezi.{{book ref|sa3|49}} The exact location is not known, but it presumably occurred on a field of [[slickrock]] near the border of Jah Keved and Alethkar. An older soldier named [[Geved]] fought in Nalanar's second infantry during the battle and survived despite Dalinar's victory.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
Geved reminisced with Dalinar when they met in the aftermath of the [[Battle of Vedenar]]; both men thought of the battle as a reminder of a simpler time. Dalinar conceded that Nalanar nearly beat him at three different points during the battle. Geved then contrasted his experiences during the battle of Slickrock with the horrific events of the [[Veden civil war]] and the effects of the [[Thrill]]. The Thrill began to take hold of Dalinar and he realized that it had moved from the [[Shattered Plains]] to [[Vedenar]].{{book ref|sa3|100}}